This week’s Psalm from A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants
“I am losing all hope; I am paralyzed with fear. I remember the glorious miracles you did in days of long ago. I reach out for you.” Psalm 143: 4-6
We were young married college students making poverty wages when grandpa Loughrige told us his “Great Depression” story. He had four little ones and not another penny for coal to heat the house. The coal bin was empty, he prayed and believed that when he woke in the morning, God would put 5 dollars under the welcome mat. He said, “I was never more sure of anything. God knew I needed heat for my children, and I had faith to believe for that five dollars.” In the morning, he woke to find no money under the mat but discovered the coal delivery dude filled his bin! He had more than he needed.
We loved that story when we were making poverty wages, and we love it now! While we did not live through the Great Depression, we have glorious miracles we could recount for you that have happened for us in the decades we’ve been reaching out for God. While we’ve never seen anything like COVID-19 we can tell you about other scary times where faith in God carried us through.
Friends, reach out for God. Reach out to a friend on the phone, Google-hang out, Facetime, Skype, Zoom, etc., listen to each other’s fears and then tell each other stories of hope!
The Crossroads Family will be providing small group gatherings on technology! Our website and Facebook Page will have video updates and links to groups. And join us Sunday on Crossroads Facebook Live or on Crossroads Livestream we will be handling our fears with faith!
With faith hope and love,
Clare and Scott