Zeal Appeal

We love/hate preaching together. It’s inefficient but oh-so transformative. You’ve heard it said, “we don’t see things as they are we see them as we are.” Lord have mercy, that is true. Just give us one Scripture or one issue and we can have a rousing conversation that goes on and on!  Whenever we speak together on a topic we have to pause and listen to the passion and perspective of the other. We choose to see through the lens of the other. It can get pretty spicy and lengthy! Tomorow we are talking about zeal. Can you imagine our house right now?

The passage is from John 2 when Jesus turned over the loans sharks tables, spilled their money on the floor, and kicked them out of the temple. This is not “Jesus, like a tender shepherd lead us!” His friends remarked that this was a fulfillment of a prophecy – “Zeal for your house consumes me.”  Jesus not only turned tables over but said, “This is a house of prayer.” His zeal compelled him to act strongly on what the church must be.

On Facebook we asked,” What “ONE” word, not two or three, good bad or ugly, comes to you when you think of the phrase “zealous faith?”

The answers were as varied as people (and maybe their Enneagram Style!) So, what does zealous faith mean to you? What are you zealous about? Are there things in God’s house you want to see changed? What has God given you the vision to turn over? Are there things you can help establish that are consistent with your prophetic vision?

If Jesus showed up physically in your church, your house, is there anything that might get turned over?

During this season of Lent, we are asking God to turn over the tables and make us into a house of prayer.

For the Zeal of God and the Church,

Scott and Clare

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