“It’s a long way to heaven.”

“It’s a long way to heaven.”

I can’t tell you how many times my dad said that to me. It was a long way for him; he died at 91. Still, dad said that to me when he was young, like my age!

His words were meant to slow me down, calm my anxieties and still my soul. He would offer this perspective when the news was grim, politicians spun lies, friends betrayed friends, and the wheels of justice were grinding slowly. It worked for failing grades, breakups and the death of my son, Paul. It made me stop, gain an eternal view and decide who I wanted to be and how I wanted to be in moments when the world was unfair.

Recently, I was grieving with someone I love who is in deep pain because of the choices of another. Flaming hot anger followed my grief. I wanted to react, confront and set things straight. Then it happened, I heard my dad say, “Clare, its a long way to heaven.”

It stopped me in my tracks and invited me to remember the truest thing about me; I want to pray, to listen for God’s direction and be led by God’s love and strength. I consented to this invitation and an other-worldly kind of thing happened, I found compassion not only for those in pain but the pain-makers. I wrote pages of prayers for mercy and justice. I found my center and my desire to live with an eye on eternity. Once again, thanks, Dad <3

Lent is a 40 day “Its a long way to heaven” kind of journey. Whether you are serving the poor, welcoming the stranger, forgiving sins against you, giving things up, or giving beyond your limits, you’re participating in what is eternal. You are saying no to instant gratification, temporary fixes, short-lived pleasure, or false relief strategies, and mapping your course in God’s Kingdom.

It is a long way to heaven, and you can choose to live by Eternity’s timetable and travel the road that keeps you present to God and present to your true self.

Eternal One, teach me to walk in step with your Spirit.
Reroute me when I am on the wrong road.
Forgive me when I want to take a shortcut.
Soften me when I want to make the road hard for someone else.
May I always remember Eternities consequences.
I in you and you in me,
I am not alone in this long way to Heaven. Amen

©csloughrige 2018

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