Who Do You Think You Are?

“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Matt 16:15

Dear Friend,
This is a question we ask ourselves regularly. Just this week I (Clare) took time alone to hear who God says I am. It blew me away! I have heard God say so many things to me over the years but this fresh word gave me a new understanding about myself that is resulting in direction that is lighting me up! Then a close friend/mentor clarified this understanding with yet another word that took it to a higher level of energy and purpose! Then I (Scott) said, “Of course that is true about who you are…it describes you exactly…you didn’t realize that about yourself?”

Who do you think/say you are? Or maybe a better question is who have you become because of what you believe about yourself? Are you the “you” that God created with words of faith, hope and love? Have you ever heard what He believes about you or are you the result of someone else’s words? Someone who cannot possibly know who you were created to be. Are your inner conversations consistent with how God describes you?

Words definitely shape us. Demanding words can force you to strive and prove yourself to be good enough, smart enough…worthy enough. Negative or doubt-filled verbiage can hang over your head like clouds just waiting to dump rain on your parade. Are the words you experience ominous or luminous? Words truly have the potential to shape your soul and ultimately define your perspective and the meaning of your life!

Whose words are always in your head? What do they say to you? Do they impart courage, peace, and a deep sense of joy about who you are? Does that vocabulary linger in your heart saying “beloved child, pleasing, beautiful, called, created for good works…”? Do the internal discussions you experience impart energy, life, love, peace and purpose?

You have been educated about yourself based on the thesaurus in your mind. Today, listen to the wordbook of God! God’s vocabulary brings health, peace, resolve and backbone. The world is then impacted by your enthusiasm, motivation, conviction, and dedication to be all God has made you to be. Living from God’s description of you has natural and supra-natural power.

The scripture we began with in Matt 16:15 describes a conversation between Peter and Jesus. Jesus asks Peter, “‘But what about you? Who do you say I am?’ Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ Jesus replied, ‘Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. Jesus knew who He was because He had been listening to the Father. Jesus had the words of his Father always in his head. He would only agree with people who agreed with the words of his Father.

The world needs you to know yourself and be yourself. Who do you think you are? Take the time to find out who God knows you to be.

“With God’s Help I shall become myself.”

Soren Kierkegaard

Practice this Truth
Find a place to be alone.
Read Matthew 16:15-19.
Ask God “Who do you say I am?”
Listen for words of life, love, belonging and calling. Those are the Fathers words.
Journal what you hear.
Meditate on those words. Let them linger.
Share with a spiritual friend/mentor that will support or help clarify these words.
Reject any words that are contrary.

Speaking words of life over you,
Scott & Clare

Sundays Live at Crossroads
“Real Change We can Believe In” Series
Listening to the promises of politicians can be exhilarating, overwhelming and disturbing! Who can we believe? Will this be another over-promised and under-delivered moment in history? Who can really bring “change we can believe in? There are some answers in the ancient words of Scripture that we think can help us discover the “change” we are looking for and help us determine what “change” is dangerous.
These talks will endorse no candidate or party, but tackle the issues we all care about with real hope for change and what scripture promises. What change is required to walk in health, prosperity, protection, intelligence, and a secure future? Using the book of Proverbs, we will build a campaign for whole life goodness.

©2008 Scott & Clare Loughrige

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