We’ve been praying together every morning for decades. We begin with a Scripture passage and pray from that space. Today is the beginning of (what we PLAN/HOPE will be) regular postings from our morning prayers. We pray this may help you navigate the journey home.
God bless you today!
So sad that Jesus was unable to do any mighty miracle in his hometown. Maybe the people who have known Jesus the longest are the hardest to reach. Maybe people who think they know Jesus only live in close proximity to him. Do you think the *core motivations of “approval/affection, security/survival, and power/control” keep them from the miraculous? Or maybe the “negative fixations of anger, fear, or shame” keep the crowd from receiving a new way of living. Hmm…
What about in your relational world. Does familiarity help or hurt you? Are you offended easily? Do you judge peoples motives or abilities based on your perspective? Are you open or closed to experiencing God and others in a new way? Does anger, fear or shame keep you from relating to others, receiving from others? Do approval/affection, power/control, and security/survival keep you from loving God and others? What is standing between you and faith, hope and love?
Generous God, may we always be open to your miracle-working power.
Open and available.
Willing and receptive.
Able to let go of anger, fear or shame.
May we approach this day with fresh faith, enduring hope and abiding love.
*Enneagram musings