Shake it off?

This morning’s Scripture passage gave us a prayer launch today!  Couldn’t help but hear Taylor Swift sing, “Shake it off.”

We love praying together because we each hear something unique.  For Clare, it’s all about keeping the connection in a community, and when Scott feels unwelcome, he can shake it off more easily. Scott is a Gut type, and Clare is a Heart type on the Enneagram. Both of us intentionally practice utilizing all Three centers of intelligence; IQ Head, EQ Heart ad GQ Gut (listen to the Enneagram podcast to learn more) so that we don’t operate from just an automatic response and miss what God may be trying to transform in us. We are also grateful to have eachother when the question comes up, “Do we shake this off or continue to try to connect.

How about you? Do you have a spiritual friend you can talk to about when to shake it off or keep trying to connect?  Do you access all three centers of intelligence so that you don’t live in your automatic responses but can respond to life with Harmony in your soul?

Lets pray…

Hospitable God,

Help us know when to stay and when to go. When to shake it off and when to walk the extra mile. Grant us the grace to listen for the right questions (IQ) make loving decisions (EQ) that lead to right action (GQ.) Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us all.


To learn more check out our Enneagram podcast



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