Silver and Gold I do not Have…

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”

Peter couldn’t give the money to the lame man in Acts 3:6 but he had something else… the name of Jesus Christ.  What is it that you have?  We have found that the happiest, most content people on earth are living in community with Jesus. They have daily discussions about how to spend the gift of each particular day. They know what each other has to offer. The person knows their own human limits and the no-limits of the God they love. They talk about how to be together and work together on that particular day. They share their resources… primarily because the person knows every good thing has come from God anyway! These people even have the courage to pray the prayer of relinquishment. Relinquishment is letting go of things, people and situations because you deeply trust the One who loves you and knows how to really bless you.  It is a powerfully wonderful way to live.  Try it this year and see what happens.

What we have we give to you,

Scott & Clare

A Prayer of Relinquishment
Today, O Lord, I yield myself to You.
May Your will be my delight today.
May You have perfect sway in me.
May your love be the pattern of my living.
I surrender to You my hopes, my dreams, my ambitions.
Do with them what You will, when You will, as You will.
I place into Your loving care my family, my friends, my future.
Care for them with a care that I can never give.
I release into Your hands my need to control, my craving for status, my fear of obscurity.
Eradicate the evil, purify the good, and establish Your Kingdom on earth.

For Jesus’ sake, Amen.

–Richard Foster

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