Overflowing with a Good Theme

My heart is overflowing with a good theme;
I recite my composition concerning the King;
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Ps 45:1(NKJV)
Hello Friends!

We are so excited to return this weekend! We begin with the wedding of one of our young couples… and then on to Sunday Morning. We can’t wait to see you!

Our sabbatical/vacation has been filled with moments of solitude, silence, education, celebration, work, rest, awareness, sadness, prayer, forgiveness and gratitude. Our hearts are over flowing with a good theme… Since we can’t sit with each one of you and tell the stories of this journey and it’s profound meaning in our lives, we will try to share these things in eletters and messages in the coming weeks. Above all, we pray that the work God has done in our hearts will be given back to Him for the sake of others.

As we have watched each Sunday on the web, we are so grateful for the many people who have stepped in to take our place (in addition to their own responsibilities) and have given their very best to God and the people of Crossroads. We have a Creative Team, Leadership Team, Administrative Team and Congregation that are THE VERY BEST! We watched the videos… laughed, cried and thanked God for the goodness of our friends who have committed themselves to the most important endeavor on the earth… sharing the GOOD NEWS! You did it and did it with skill and most importantly- love for God and people.

Our hearts are full and we are ready to come back this weekend and give from that place.

Scott & Clare

P.S. One of the pastors on retreat with us took these pictures to chronicle the journey. Enjoy the beauty of Pr. Pieter Van Waard’s photography.

I have prepared a place for you...
I have prepared a place for you…

come close and see...
come close and see…

take the path I have put before you...
take the path I have put before you…

focus on my ways...
focus on my ways…

it may take a while to see it...
It may take a while to see it…

some things may even seem veiled...
some things may even seem veiled…

But, stay with me...
But, stay with me…

see my light...
see my light…

seek my truth...
seek my truth…

be with me...
be with me…

and I will reveal my glory...
and I will reveal my glory…

I will make the way clear...
I will make the way clear…

And do something beautiful in your soul!
And do something beautiful in your soul!

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