Do you have a prophet? Yes, you do!
Today’s Scripture comes from the book of Hosea. Hosea lives the prophetic message he delivers to Israel. A failed marriage, rebellion, forgiveness, and trying again. Hosea lives the painful and hopeful message he will offer the people of Israel. Your life is a prophetic message, too. How do you recognize and live that message?
Last week I was on retreat in Nebraska with the good people at Gravity. The weekend was 48 hours of silence with practices that helped me pray in the silence. When practicing extended silence you can hear the prophetic message of your life…all the glory and the grime. Listening to God celebrate, forgive and guide me are the greatest sounds I know.
The statue above is on the grounds of the retreat center and is what Chris and Phileena Heuertz affectionately call “Touchdown Benedict.” The “Benedictine Rule” emerged from Benedict’s life in God. He envisioned a balanced life of prayer and work. Benedict reminds me to do God’s work in the world from a place that is true in me. For me, as a workaholic in recovery, getting in touch with what’s true takes time and space to listen AND truly is “Divine Therapy.*”
On retreat, we practiced 20 minutes of Centering Prayer (CP) 9 times. This is intense training for someone who can easily forget that life is more than connecting with people and working my projects. At home, practiced twice a day, CP helps develop work that can flow out silence, solitude, and stillness. From that place, one can live from the Imago Dei (made in God’s image) true self. Touchdown!
Today, I am thanking God for the gift of Hosea, Benedict, and Gravity, all who gave me space to be with God and the prophetic word God is living in and through me.
What is the prophetic word in you? Do you have a practice that helps you discover and live that word in the world?
Photo was taken by my friend Oreon, a spiritual director @ Gravity