Live like you were dying.

“If I knew I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.”

~ Mickey Mantle ~

Mickey Mantle
Career Batting Average .298
Home Runs 536
Runs Batted In 1509

Mickey Mantle… one of the greatest, most talented baseball players in history. Mantle confessed his alcoholism and hard living had hurt both his playing and his family. Can you imagine how he would have played had he taken better care of himself and his talent! January 7, 1994, Mickey was told by a doctor that his liver was so badly damaged that “your next drink could be your last.” He checked into the Betty Ford Clinic and was sober until his death. Mantle told his story in a 1994 Sports Illustrated article.He said that “he was telling the same old stories, and realizing how much of them involved himself and others being drunk, and he decided they weren’t funny anymore.” He repented for the cruel way he treated himself, family, friends and fans. He gave his life to Jesus Christ and began the journey of making things right…where he could.

What if you knew which day you would take your last breath? Would you be living like you’re living now?

How would you be taking care of your time? Would you be doing with it what you’re doing?

How about your talents? Are there talents you’ve buried or not fully developed? Are you investing those talents in ways you’re proud of… ways that bring hope, help or encouragement?

What about your treasures? Have you used them consistently to the betterment of your community or even to help save someone’s life? Do your money and treasures serve you or own you?

Be courageous… be honest… do a little evaluation… and then challenge yourself to live like you were dying.

Dear friend, take care of your time, talents and treasure… you may live a long time but even if you don’t, your living will be better… will be blessed !

Scott & Clare

Matthew 25:13

“Therefore stay alert, because you do not know the day or the hour.”

Spiritual Practices to help:


Read the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) out loud, slowly, allowing the words of scripture to minister to your soul. Listen for the word or phrase that seems to stand out to you. Stay with the word(s) that have captured your heart.

In silence listen for God’s words of compassion, conviction and courage. Listen for the invitation to plan your next steps to take better care of yourself. Let God speak and help you evaluate the life you are living.

Follow through on what you hear. Write down what you heard, saw or felt.Watch for the ways God will open doors for better stewardship of your life.

Offerings: Next week we will be releasing the fall schedule of our Core Classes. Bible Study, Spiritual Formation, Leadership Development and classes for children and teens begin September 30th!

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