Scripture for the week:
2 Chronicles 16:8-9 “For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.”
Dear Friend,
Do you feel God’s support or does He seem unreal, uncaring or miles away from you?
Our son Paul had a syndrome called triploidy. It was a syndrome incompatible with life. During the months of his illness and the time following his passing, Scott and I needed a close encounter of the God-kind. We were desperate for God’s support. That support came in supernatural and natural ways. There were times God met us in ways that are not explainable and other times He supported us through faithful friends. In our darkest hours, we heard God audibly and experienced Him through people’s acts of kindness.
You may be facing days of great challenge or maybe you need support for a small situation. Whatever the case, God wants to strongly support you. Isn’t that amazing that God is looking through the earth to find people He can strongly support! Only one condition: Your heart must be completely His.
Who or what has your heart today? Is it image, success, money, leisure, education, skepticism or pride? Maybe it’s fear, rejection, unforgiveness, anger, addiction or slothfulness. Do unhealthy behaviors or relationships have your heart?
The Hebrew word “completely” in this scripture is translated into several English words. Some of those words are: safe, finish, full, whole, peaceful, perfect, prosperous, restored, rewarded. A heart that is completely His is a heart that is at rest and enjoying life. The “completely His” heart doesn’t fear the economy or the future. That heart isn’t looking for fulfillment in things that won’t satisfy. The life that is supported doesn’t seek fulfillment in empty or destructive behaviors because that heart is whole. During the days of Paul’s illness, no amount of money, education or success could support us. No drink or drug or activity could make us happy or whole.
We thank God for our son Paul’s life. We learned some things in our 20’s that have lasted us our lifetime. Through Paul’s life we learned this; in order to have God’s support, He must have our hearts…completely.
Completely His and enjoying life,

Our prayer for you: Father, bless our friends with a complete heart. Whatever life looks like today (good, bad or ugly) let their hearts be Yours and Your support be theirs. We pray You will do for them as You have done for us. We are grateful always. Amen
Spiritual Practices
Confess to God where you need support
Confess to God who or what has your heart
Ask God to forgive you, restore you and support you
Surrender your heart to God completely
Pay attention and watch God’s support supernaturally and naturally
Share your journey with a spiritual friend
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©2008 Scott & Clare Loughrige