I am what I am…



“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” 



Guest blogger` Evan Sharpley, CCM Youth Director http://www.ccmonline.org/evan_sharpley, http://www.facebook.com/Mr.Sharpley


But by the grace of God I am what I am…(1st Cor. 15:10 Midday Prayers below). We are only on this Earth for a short period of time. Each person strives to leave his/her mark in his/her own way. Everyone wants to get the perfect job, attain wealth, and be successful, but what I have learned in the short time I have lived is that it is not so much what we DO but WHO we are. I use the word “DO” in terms of accomplishments that the world sees as successful. Not everyone is going to become the president, hit the homerun in the world series to win the game, or discovery the cure to a disease. Those people might DO more than you in terms of worldly accomplishments, but WHO are they really? Are they good people? Do they have values? Morals? Character? Do their ACTIONS (not their accomplishments) match up with who they are? So next time you look at yourself in the mirror, ask yourself, “WHO AM I? WHAT WILL MY LEGACY BE BASED ON? WHO I AM AS A PERSON, NOT WHAT I HAVE DONE ACCORDING TO SOCIETY’S STANDARDS?” Take some time to ask yourself what makes you who you are. Appreciate God’s resurrecting power in your life and utilize it to become who He wants you to be because he “has put everything under his feet.” 1st. Cor 15:27 (click on Midday Prayers below)


Give In- to God’s resurrecting power

Give Up- “worldly” ideas of success

Give Out- God’s grace


Midday prayers click below

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