Hosted by: Christ Church | Oak Brook, Illinois
Through a Christ-centered Trinitarian Model and a focus on the Enneagram Harmony Map, the Crossroads Soul Resources (CSR) School of Spiritual Direction seeks to develop whole and holy spiritual directors and leaders able to accompany others on the journey to know and experience God. We see this spiritual companionship as a critical discipline for all those who are in God for the sake of the world. “Action and contemplation are inextricably bound.”
This school is a member of Spiritual Directors International and the Canadian Fellowship of Christian Spiritual Directors.

Next Cohort Begins In January 2026
A Hybrid (online and in-person) School of Spiritual Direction, that begins with an intensive Enneagram training and certification.
CSR: School of Spiritual Direction is designed to:
- Ground you in traditions and practices: Good News of Christ, Ancient and Contemporary Texts and Spiritual practices, Enneagram Harmony Triads
- Provide ways for you to individualize your learning experience based on your Enneagram Harmony triad style (Intellectual (IQ), Emotional (EQ), and Instinctual/Gut (GQ) intelligence): to fulfill our desire to love God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbors as ourselves.
- Equip and empower you as leaders and spiritual directors to bring healing and wholeness to individuals and communities, tofulfill the Mission of Christ in the world. We prepare trauma informed leaders and spiritual directors trained in professional listening skills for adults and children at every psychological and spiritual age and stage. Core Faculty consist of Christian Spiritual Directors, able to sit with others around a variety of issues including vocational calling, faith crisis, poverty, racism, church division, sexual/domestic violence, and other societal ills. Adjunct Faculty brings a diverse expertise from psychology, business and faith.
Current COHORT Schedule
(Jan 2024-Nov 2025)
- January 9-12, 2024
©iEnneagram Harmony Intensive (with certification)-required - February 10, 2024, 9AM-4PM CT
Part 1: Spiritual Direction Foundations and Enneagram Harmony Dynamics - March 16, 2024, 9AM – 12PM9AM-4PM CT
Part 2: Spiritual Direction Foundations and Enneagram Harmony Dynamics
- April 13, 2024, 9AM-4PM CT
Part 1: Streams of Living Water and a Spiritual Director Mentor - May 11, 2024, 9AM-4PM CT
Part 2: Streams of Living Water and a Spiritual Director Mentor - SUMMER BREAK – June, July and August 2024
Go on a 2.5 day silent retreat on your own! You choose the place and date and we will provide guidelines, models and practices.
A comprehensive overview of cradle-to-grave spiritual formation, from a psychological, trinitarian and Enneagram Harmony approach.
- September 14, 2024 9AM-4PM CT Part 1
- October 12, 2024 9AM-4PM CT Part 2
- November 9, 2024 9AM-4PM CT Part 3
- WINTER BREAK Thanksgiving through January 10, 2025
UNIT 3 (Con’T)
- January 10-11, 2025 (Friday 7-9PM CT Saturday 9-4PM CT)
A Retreat with Part 2: Enneagram Harmony intensive, a continuation of year one’s intensive - February 8, 2025 9AM-4PM CT
Part 4: 3-Centerd Practices with Church calendar, Lectio Divina, Visio Divina, bio-spiritual focusing, Heartmath, centering prayer, confession, rule of life and more!
- March 8, 2025 9AM-4PM CT
Part 1: Holy Listening in Type: Grief, Trauma, Addictions, and Justice - April 12, 2025 9AM-4PM CT
Part 2: Holy Listening in Type: Grief, Trauma, Addictions, and Justice - May 10, 2025 9AM-4PM CT
Part 3: Holy Listening IQ,EQ, GQ
- SUMMER BREAK – June, July and August 2025 – your choice retreat
Go on a 2.5 day silent retreat on your own! You choose the place and date and we will provide guidelines, models and practices. - September 13, 2025 9AM-4PM CT
Part 1: Stories that move you Head, Heart, and Gut. Enneagram Polarities and Bio-Spiritual Focusing - October 11, 2025 9AM-4PM CT
Part 2: Stories that move you Head, Heart, and Gut. Dark Night and Harmony - November 7-8 2025
Saturday 9-AM-4PM CT Sunday 9AM-12:00PM Graduation Retreat Examen and Synthesis
Tuition Cost
Tuition cost for the school is $4,475 + pre-requisite MOS ©iEnneagram Training Cost* (cost does NOT include the pre-requisite 4-day training “Motions of the Soul” ©iEnneagram Training). A non-refundable deposit of $580 is due when registering. Payment Options: Two payments of $2,288* or eight quarterly payments of $580*.
CSRSD Alumni Tuition Cost: $2,945*. This is for graduates of the CSRSD who would like to repeat the program.
*Cost is US Dollars.
Teaching Locations
In-Person: Hosted by Christ Church Oak Brook in Chicago, IL
The 2024-2025 Cohort will be at this location.
Online: Live via Zoom
If you have received the MOS ©iEnneagram Harmony Practitioner Certification, you have met the requirements for enrollment in the CSR School of Spiritual Direction: Your application comes via ©iEnneagram Harmony class participation, Enneagram Autobiography, Discernment Paper, and Head Heart, Gut, Motion, Mantras for each style. These papers will be on file as a part of your Spiritual Director Certificate. We ask you to return to the MOS ©iEnneagram training in January 2024 as an alumnus unless you make other arrangements by contacting Clare.
I already have my ©iEnneagram Harmony Practitioner Certification. Is there a discount?
You have the option to attend the January 2024 ©iEnneagram Harmony Training as a “refresher” for $149.
Click here to sign up to attend the ©iEnneagram Training as a “refresher”.
Click here to register & pay to secure your spot in the CSR School of Spiritual Direction.
*Cost is in US Dollars. The deposit is non-refundable and required to complete registration. (Lunch and lodging are not included.)
While we extract some teaching from classic Spiritual Direction (SD) training, this is a unique SD program that includes: ©iEnneagram Harmony work in each Unit. Head, Heart, and Gut listening practices from traditional and contemporary spiritual direction and up-to-date brain science. This training also includes Holy Listening practices with children, teens, college students, elders, trauma and secondary trauma survivors, and those who do the work of justice and mercy. This SD program will be valuable to Spiritual Directors who want to broaden their competencies.
All units are offered both in-person in Chicago and via Zoom. A computer or iPad with Zoom access is required at every session online and in-person for break-out groups. Our instructors are experienced, online facilitators.
You will receive the reading list after the January Session. Each Unit will require 2-3 required readings and one chosen based on your Enneagram development. Books will include learning from male, female, and racially diverse authors. The January session readings are; Enneagram Personality Styles– C. Loughrige, Motions of the Soul– C. Loughrige, and Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram– Calhoun/Loughrige. These 3 books are utilized throughout the 2-year journey.
No tests. Yes, Unit Reflection papers, Create your own silent retreat experiences during the summers.
Coursework is expected on time, and we understand that people have emergencies and responsibilities. The main thing is to communicate with staff.
All units are in-person and via Zoom. If COVID were to prevent the in-person gathering, Zoom is the option.
To join the CSR School of Spiritual Direction, register to attend the next “Motions of the Soul” ©iEnneagram Training Program and secure your spot in the school.
Click the button below to begin!
Register to Attend Now!Faculty

Rev. Clare Loughrige, MMin
Clare is a church planter, co-lead pastor since 1991 and social activist. She is a formally trained Spiritual Director( of three Enneagram Books. An International Enneagram Association (IEA) Professional, she has created an IEA Accredited Training Program that certifies Enneagram students utilizing the Harmony Triads model for transformation. In addition to Clare’s work with Spiritual Communities, she currently serves as Co-Chair of Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force, and Advisory Board to Sexual Assault Services Calhoun County Advisory Board.

Lori Tate, DMin
Lori is a spiritual director and an IEA Accredited Professional Member and certified by Enneagram Spectrum (Jerry Wagner) and ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul (Clare Loughrige). Lori integrates the Enneagram into her spiritual direction practice, Soul Dig, which extends beyond the United States. She also teaches the Enneagram in small groups and workshops. She has a Masters of Art in Christian Education from Asbury Theological Seminary, a Doctorate of Ministry in Spiritual Direction & Formation through the Graduate Theological Foundation via Dominican Center of Marywood, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Over the last 20 years she has served in various kids’ ministries at Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church in Tipp City, Ohio; Westwinds Church in Jackson, Michigan and The Gathering Place –a faith-based early childhood education center – in Toledo, Ohio.

Mary Albert Darling, MA
Mary is a professor of communications at Spring Arbor University, Spring Arbor, Michigan. In addition to teaching in the Department of Communication and Media, for which she received SAU’s Teaching Excellence Award, Darling designed and taught classes on spiritual directing, mentoring & leadership, as well as spiritual formation and justice, in SAU former master’s program in spiritual formation and leadership. She is a formally trained spiritual director and the published author of books on the issues of justice and intimacy with God. She regularly does spiritual direction, primarily with college students. Mary earned her MA in Communication Arts and Sciences from Western Michigan University. She is also an IEA Accredited Professional Member and certified by Enneagram Spectrum (Jerry Wagner) and ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul (Clare Loughrige).

Patricia M. Robertson, DMin
Pat is an author, speaker and spiritual director, who is committed to helping individuals find God in their everyday experience. She has a Doctor of Ministry from Ecumenical Theological Seminary, Detroit, MI, with an emphasis in spiritual direction, and over thirty-five years of ministry experience. Pat is certified by ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul (Clare Loughrige). She is a published author of numerous non-fiction and fiction books, including the Dancing through Life series, novels about people of faith who are knocked off balance by life yet manage to get back up and continue. Find out more about Pat here.
Adjunct Faculty

Phaedra is a preacher, teacher, consultant, spiritual director, retreat leader, and singer. Founder and Principal of The Blocker Group, LLC, she is dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations (particularly clergy and congregations) to move toward wholeness and actualize their potential as agents of change and shalom in the world. She is also the Founder and President of the Center for Clergy & Congregational Wellness, a nonprofit organization that empowers ministry leaders to facilitate health and wholeness in themselves, their ministry contexts, and their adjacent communities. In addition, she serves as an Affiliate Professor in Leadership & Formation at Palmer Theological Seminary of Eastern University, where she teaches in the Seminary’s Masters and Doctoral programs, as well as in the University’s Marriage and Family Therapy Doctoral program. Learn more about Phaedra here.
Phaedra is also certified in ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul (Clare Loughrige).

Adele Calhoun, MA
Adele has worked as a pastor, missionary, InterVarsity staff member, wife, mother, artist, spiritual director, college professor, author, icon writer, healing prayer minister, pilgrimage leader, and pastor. She is a graduate of the University of Colorado and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and is adjunct faculty for Selah (a Spiritual Direction Training program). She has authored numerous books (The Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, True You, Women & Identity, and others) and co-authored Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram: A Handbook for Harmony and Transformation. Adele’s passion is for people to move beyond religion to a connection with Jesus that unites both their head and their heart in service and love of others.
Adele is a certified Enneagram trainer and serves as adjunct faculty for The Transforming Center (IL) and the Soul Care Institute (CO). She is also certified in ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul (Clare Loughrige).

Doug Calhoun, Dmin
Doug brings over forty years of ministry experience working with people and seeking their transformation. This internal focus combines with his missional desire that God’s glory fill the whole earth. Doug’s ministry began working with university students with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and then moved into the church arena, serving in a wide range of roles. During that time he ministered cross-culturally on six continents resourcing national churches and missionaries in spiritual formation.
He is a trained spiritual director and a certified Enneagram trainer/test administrator for the Wagner Enneagram Personality Profiles Spectrum. Doug is a graduate of Miami University (B.S) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.Div. and D.Min. in Christian Spirituality) and co-author of Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram: A Handbook for Harmony and Transformation. He is also certified in ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul (Clare Loughrige).

Rev. Ostein Truitt, Dmin
Dr. Ostein Truitt recently retired after serving as the first female Assistant Pastor of St. John Baptist Church in Columbia, MD since 2000. Prior to her tenure in church ministry, she taught nursing and other healthcare students as a professor of Clinical Microbiology. She earned a Master of Divinity from Howard University School of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry from Wesley Theological Seminary.
Her certifications include Spiritual Direction from Shalem Institute Washington DC and Spiritual Transformation, The Transforming Center Wheaton Illinois. In addition, Dr. Truitt brings unique experience in Lament, African Studies, and The Civil Rights Pilgrimage to Crossroads Soul Resources School of Spiritual Direction.

Dr. Jerome Wagner, Ph.D
Dr. Wagner is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, supervisor, consultant in private practice, and emeritus faculty member in the Department of Psychology and Institute of Pastoral Studies at Loyola University, Chicago.
Among the earliest students of the Enneagram in the United States, Dr. Wagner’s dissertation was one of the first written descriptions of the Enneagram and pioneered formal research studies on the Enneagram. Part of his study involved constructing an Enneagram inventory. The current version and Manual of his highly researched and statistically validated Wagner Enneagram Personality Style Scales (WEPPS) can be taken online at and is available in hard copy from Western Psychological Services (; 800-648-8857). The WEPSS is the only Enneagram inventory reviewed in Buros’s Mental Measurements Yearbook (15th edition), a recognized assessment evaluator

Charlotte Dillon, PhD, MPS, SEP, DARe trained
Dr. Dillon is a clinical psychologist and the owner of Gateway Psychological Services, Ltd. She is trained in the integration of the spiritual with the psychological and believes that we are created from love, for relationship, and as such, we live our best lives when we are connected and nourished in healthy relational systems. Persons who have experienced developmental and/or relational trauma, spiritual desolation and/or overwhelming life stress are ideal candidates for work with Dr. Dillon. She grew up in a pastor’s family, and has a special tenderness for pastors and church leaders, who need a safe and confidential place to be fully human. Dr. Dillon has extensive experience consulting, teaching, and doing psychotherapy with pastors and church leaders.

Suzanne Dion
Enneagram Teacher and Coach, Speaker, and Author, Suzanne Dion is a deeply committed enthusiast of the Enneagram system for personal and professional self-awareness. Suzanne completed the teacher certification process with the Palmer-Daniels Enneagram Professional Training School, now called The Narrative Enneagram (TNE), in 2008. One of her driving goals continues to be to increase the self-awareness and developmental well-being of women, particularly mothers, as the mental health of society, Suzanne believes, is gravely dependent on the mental health, sense of security, and emotional stability of women.
Suzanne is also an advocate of bringing self-awareness Enneagram-focused training — as an original Founding Board Member and Teacher of the Enneagram Prison Project — to the marginalized and those currently and formerly incarcerated, having worked intensely with both male and female inmates, minimum to maximum security, at institutions such as San Quentin Federal Prison, San Mateo County Jail, and Santa Clara County’s Main Jail and Elmwood Correctional Facility.
More Adjunct Faculty to come!
Ministry Team

Rev. Scott Loughrige
Crossroads Soul Resources CFO
Scott is a church planter and social entrepreneur and a trained Spiritual Director through Crossroads Soul Resources School of Spiritual Direction. Scott has provided vision and executive oversight for Crossroads Church and Ministries (CCM), Bread of Life Food Pantry, and CCM World Missions. He has spent his adult life leading teams, ministries, and educational agencies to bring the good news of Jesus to seekers, the poor and marginalized. An IEA Professional, Scott is certified in the Enneagram through Jerome Wagner, Ph.D., certified in ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul (Clare Loughrige), and co-author of “Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram.” Scott serves as a Financial Strategist for CCM and the Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force.

Jill Theodorovich
Crossroads Soul Resources CFO
Jill is a founding partner of Crossroads Church and Ministries (since 1991). She serves as a pastor on staff, is trained in spiritual direction and spiritual formation through The Christos Center, and is certified in ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul.

Kelly Kastens
Chicago Area Ministry Director
Kelly has spent 20+ years as a pastor in the areas of worship and formation in the local church and in retreat ministry. Her passion is to create environments in which spiritual pilgrims can encounter God, whether teaching, creating space for worship and prayer, leading retreats or sitting with others in spiritual direction. Kelly is a trusted mentor of young pastors, leaders, and seminarians. She is known for her active listening to individuals, keen awareness of the Holy Spirit’s movement, and beautiful questions for discernment. Kelly is a graduate of Emmanuel Christian Seminary with a Masters in Christian Ministry
She is also certified in ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul and a trained Spiritual Director through Crossroads Soul Resources School of Spiritual Direction.

Stacey Livingston
Zoom Director
Stacey is a and a trained Spiritual Director through Crossroads Soul Resources School of Spiritual Direction and serves on staff at Crossroads Church and Ministries as the Arts Formation Pastor. She is also certified in ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul.

Admin Team
AJ (Andrew) serves at Crossroads Church and Ministries. He currently works as Manager of Housing and Operations at Albion College. AJ is also certified in ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul.

Contact Us!
If you have any questions about the CSR School of Spiritual Direction you can contact:
Lori at (419) 345-0592 or via email
Kelly at (443) 243-6796 or via email
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