©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul (©MOS)





 Training Opportunities are HYBRID,

Next training: JUNE 3-6, 2025
9:00 am – 5pm ET

Crossroads Church and Ministries
Marshall MI

©iEnneagram “Motions of the Soul” RETREAT or Training & Certification Program

This retreat OR training (you choose) offers an incredibly rich opportunity for spiritual and personal transformation, especially for those invested in integrating faith and the Enneagram. The combination of Clare and Scott Loughrige’s expertise with their deep roots in the Harmony Triads approach is bound to create a space for meaningful growth.

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” –2 Corinthians 3:18

YOU CHOOSE how you will engage:

  • Retreat for your souls sake
  • Stand-alone training
  • Or, click here for information about the 2-year Enneagram Spiritual Direction Certification Cohort (The ©iEnneagram Training Program is the entry point for students wishing to be part of the Crossroads School of Spiritual Direction.)

NOTE: If you register by December 21, 2024, you will receive your mailed printed materials before class begins. If you register after that date materials will be sent to you electronically only. Registration CLOSES JANUARY 5, 2025 at midnight.

Are you ready for an Enneagram Training  or Retreat in the Trinitarian and Harmony Model Tradition to explore the grace and liberation you are meant to experience?

This training and experience will emphasize your inherent greatness created as a reflection of God. Rediscover the three-centered Triune God intelligence that honors your soul with spiritual practices that develop new neural pathways to head, heart, and gut intelligence.

Inner Harmony is not just a theory but a practical and empowering way of life. It is possible to bring intention to our attention and experience harmony within and between us.

The ©iEnneagram Harmony Approach with Spiritual Rhythms integrates head curiosity, heart emotions, and gut instincts and reveals how to respond to love and work in richer, healthier, and more harmonious ways. To experience the music of life in its fullness, you need to trust something besides your solo part. This is a dynamic and substantive training integrating lectures, narrative exemplars, ©iEnneagram mapping, interactive Harmony Triad experiences, and contemplative tools.

Motions of the Soul is written and presented by Rev. Clare Loughrige, an International Enneagram Association Accredited Professional, creator of the ©iEnneagram Accredited Training Program, and Enneagram Author. Rev. Scott Loughrige is a coach, spiritual director Enneagram author and professional who partners practices and presentations. 

Ignatian Spiritual Practices (the ©i in the ©iEnneagram), Enneagram Harmony Triads, and Spiritual Discipline, integrating IQ-Intellectual Intelligence, EQ-Emotional Intelligence, and GQ-Gut/Instinctual Intelligence, for an integrated and discerning life. Combining Trinitarian Theology, the Harmony Map of the Enneagram, and ancient and contemporary Christian spiritual practices which unlock dismissed parts of the self. “Motions of the Soul” ©iEnneagram Training is a spiritual/psychological mapping and remembering of The Trinity and the 3 centers of the soul as the true self, made in God’s Image.

Our work with the Enneagram unpacks The Harmony Triads Theory which is central to the “Motions of the Soul”©iEnneagram Training . You will find short descriptions of Harmony Triad in some books or websites on the Enneagram, and yet it is crucial in the work of transformation. Our books emphasis Harmony and its transformative work. 


Level I: This 4-day Training Program Certificate of Complete  – 32 CEUs Certificate of Completion

Level II: 4-day Training Program with post-training assignments – 40 CEUs ©iEnneagram Harmony Professional Certification

Level III: A 2-Year Program- 4 Day Training and assignments required as admission into Crossroads Soul Resources School of Spiritual Direction. Partners with Spiritual Directors International and Christian Fellowship of Christian Spirutal Directors 

ALL 3 Training Opportunities are HYBRID,
available to attend IN-PERSON or LIVE ONLINE Training



Jan 7-10, 2025

Training Includes:

  • Christian historical roots of the Enneagram
  • The basic theoretical framework on which the Enneagram is based
  • Understanding nine Enneagram styles
  • Harmony Triads Theory
  • Trinitarian theory
  • Deep knowledge of self and what developed that self
  • Defense mechanisms and ego fixation awareness practices
  • True-Self False-Self awareness and tools to choose life and wholeness
  • Dismissed Child Like Self and Integration practices
  • Ignatian spiritual practices that inform the ©iEnneagram
  • Spiritual Disciplines to center each style.
  • Spiritual Rhythms for interior freedom
  • Practices to develop a whole and discerning life
  • Interpret Wepss test results


  • Level I (4-day training completion) is $799
  • Level II (4-day & to obtain certification) is $899 ©iEnneagram Harmony Professional Certification
  • Alumni of the program are able to return to the training anytime for $149.
  • NOTE: The training curriculum books, lunch, and lodging are not included in the training cost and must be purchased separately. If discounts or specials are offered, only one discount can be used per registration.
  • Level III:  A 2-Year Program- 4 Day Training and assignments required as admission into Crossroads Soul Resources School of Spiritual Direction. Next Cohort begins January 2026. Dates to be announced February 2025.


  • TAKE Wagner Enneagram Personality Style Scales CLICK HERE. Participants will take the only Enneagram inventory published by a major psychological test company with sufficient research to be reviewed in Buros’s Mental Measurements Yearbook. Cost $15.00
    Participants will take this Inventory and learn to interpret the results MOS:©iEnneagram-style.

Purchase Course Materials:


  • In-Person location Christ Church | Butterfield 2S361 Glen Park Road Lombard, IL 60148
  • & Online via Zoom

Lodging & Meals:

  • Lodging & meals are not included in the tuition cost


Level I Requirements: Enneagram Motions of the Soul Certificate of Completion

  • Four Day Training with full participation
  • Read EPS, MOS, SRE (the 3 training curriculum books, purchase links are above)

Level II Requirements: Enneagram Professional Certificate and Practitioner Status

1. Four Day Training with full participation

2. Currently, a Helping/Teaching/Facilitating Professional with one of the following certifications or EQUIVALENT. i.e.-

  • Spiritual Direction Certification
  • Professional Coach Certification
  • Licensed Counselor/Therapist
  • Ignatian Spiritual Exercises
  • Reputable Formation Certification (ex: Transforming Center, CRTR, Renovare, Selah, Christos, Potters House)
  • Degree in Spiritual Formation
  • Degree, Certification, or License from an institution/organization in your field or Leadership position in your company.

3. Read EPS, MOS, and SRE (the 3 training curriculum books, purchase links are above). Notice which spiritual practices feel like an invitation these days in your own Harmony Triad. Indicate that you have completed the reading in your Autobiographical Reflection Paper—one new insight and question from each book.

4. Write 6-8 pages, size 12 font, double-spaced, for your Enneagram Harmony Triad Autobiography using these reflections.

5. Write 9 HHGMM’s (Head, Heart, Gut, Motion Mantras on page 22, MOS book) with a unique HHGMM for each type. Words that you’d like to give as a gift.

6. Complete and type your discernment practice (pages 73-76 in MOS book) even if you have more questions than answers. A discernment document is on the google drive you will receive for your review. OR, design a 1-2 day workshop/retreat with the three-centered approach. Include meditations, PowerPoint, and handouts.

Level III Requirements: A 2-Year Program-

Post-Training Benefits for ALL (Level I and Level II)

  • CEUs (32 CEUs for Level I and 40 CEUs for Level II)
  • Alumni refresher course $149 (return to training anytime for this reduced rate)
  • Discounted Books for Workshops or Seminars – EPS $11*, MOS $13*, and SRE*
  • EPS & MOS Practice Cards $6*

* plus shipping

Level II Post-Training Benefits

  • PowerPoints for workshops (properly cited with EPS, MOS, or SRE logos)
  • Enneagram Association Accredited–©iEnneagram Professional Practitioner
  • ©iEnneagram Certification Logo for your email and website
  • Points for Professional and or Accredited Member of the International Enneagram Association

Watch Stories:

From former participants of this transformational training (6 min):

About the Author & Trainer

Rev. Clare Loughrige

Rev. Clare Loughrige, is the Co-founding Lead Pastor of Crossroads Church and Ministries in Marshall, Michigan since 1991. She is a Christos-trained Spiritual Director. An Enneagram Author,  International Enneagram Association (IEA) Accredited Professional with IEA Accredited Certification Program, and IEA Great Lakes Chapter President. A Seminar Instructor with First Analysis Institute of Integrative Studies, Loyola University Chicago.

20 minute Harmony Triads Intro (Clare with light hair 😉)

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Take away will vary with experience. Participants will receive certification specific to their core competencies.

• MOS ©iEnneagram Educator, Helping Professionals For Helping Professionals (Therapists, Coaches, Spiritual Directors, Pastors, etc.), and Teaching Professionals with credentials to teach the ©iEnneagram in your own setting. Email us with questions: cl@ccmonline.org
• Developing Head Heart Gut Motion Mantras (based on curriculum) for each type.
• Working through the spiritual practices, writing, and processing with your head, heart, and gut types during training and alone in the evenings.
• ©iEnneagram Head Heart Gut Type Reflection (your autobiography). To be completed within one month after training.

It changes everything in the way you work with people as they discover how they specifically “get in their own way” and can choose to open to the work of transformation, relationships, and discernment with 3 centers of intelligence. We encourage you to read  Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram for your work with individuals and teams or groups. This training experience includes group interactions that will embody a way to work with groups and teams. We also have professionals on this page that you can check in with to see how they are using ©iEnneagram and Harmony Triads with their work.

We leave that up to you and your institution to determine. We are accredited by the International Enneagram Association. Your institution would need to determine what qualifies as continuing education for your profession.

Yes, it is recorded for students who attend all four days in case your internet drops. We use 5G onsite and have a great connection. The recordings are a backup in case you lose connectivity. We can send you the recording of what you missed so you don’t miss any of the training.

Yes, you must attend live in person, or on Zoom. Full participation and attendance all four days and taking part in the interactive/practice portions are required for professional certification.

There are costs for the online class that are equal to and exceed the cost of in-person participants. Post-course interview with me as well as preparing and mailing and/or emailing materials to your home.

Registration and a $399 deposit are due 3 weeks in advance. No refunds except for an act of God.