Scripture thought for the week:
You are a member of God’s very own family and you belong in God’s household with every other Christian.
Ephesians 2:19-20 (Living Bible)
Dear Friend,
In case you never noticed, we love being a part of God’s family! We have experienced the meaning of life by loving God and loving people. Our hearts have never been more fully alive and in motion to care for the broken and the poor in this region and around the world. It’s all because we belong to God and others. The connection to God’s family has made our lives ROCK! We thank God for making it possible to live with this level of grace and richness.
The day you said yes to enter into faith in God through Jesus Christ, you were connected to God Himself and His family. Your victories became ours to celebrate. Your challenges became ours to intercede for. God wanted you in His family and so do we! But are you getting and giving all you really want in the family of God? Are you feeling connected in name only but not experiencing the power of belonging to God’s very own family?
Some of you feel very connected to family and friends in this life. Others feel like a rock or an island. Why? How can someone move into a place of being loved, cherished, needed and wanted. . . connected at a deep level?
More connection points are available in today’s world than ever before. Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Friendster, eHarmony . . . we are overloaded with opportunities to know and be known at a “deep” level. All you need is to get online. Right? For many however, our attempts at networking our lives relationally has left us lacking the core of what we’re really after – a life that is making a difference. A difference individually and also in community. . . a family.
We want to invite you to experience the Facebook series for the next 4 weeks at Crossroads. We are going to study God’s Words about connecting our relational lives in ways that will satisfy your soul and can change the world for Jesus’ sake. In this series we will discover how rich life can be when we find ourselves deeply connected to God and people. We hope to see you here!
For the Family,

Click here to invite a friend to church for this series.
©2008 Scott & Clare Loughrige