Scripture for the week:
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger bringing good news, breaking the news that all’s well, proclaiming good times, announcing salvation, telling Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:8 MSG
Dear Friend,
Remember Joe Cocker singing “you are so beautiful . . . to me”? Now the key part of the lyrics is “to me”. Those words are filled with the doubt that anyone else thought she was as beautiful as he did. It’s clear that Joe Cocker found the girl he was singing about to be the beauty “he” was looking for.
It’s kind of like the feet in the passage of scripture above. How many of you think feet are beautiful? Our grandson does. One time I (Clare) came home from a trip and Dante came running shouting “Gramma’s feet are home!” He then fell at my feet and hugged them. A little strange . . . but he thinks my feet are beautiful! (By the way, Dante has never said that to me [Scott]).
Are you planning to bring beauty into someone’s life this week? Does seeing your feet coming mean that you’re bringing beauty; the news that all’s well, proclaiming good times, announcing salvation? People need you to be beautiful. In a world that is filled with such ugly circumstances and hideous news, you can be beautiful . . . to them!
Bringing home the beauty,
Scott & Clare
Crossroads Church & Ministries
Action Steps:
Look for someone who needs good news.
Give them a word of encouragement, a card, a flower, write a song, give them good times!
Afterwards, REJOICE that you were an instrument of beauty! What a great feeling.