2 things are just WOW today!
1. People are a trip.
2. Yay for the 7th printing of Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram!
We received a letter from someone who said, “God told me to tell you that you are leading people STRAIGHT TO HELL with the Enneagram.” Right after we wrote them a blessing, (“The LORD bless you and keep you; and be gracious to you;…) we received the 7th printing notice from our publisher, InterVarsity Press.
But wow. Just wow.
Let me begin by saying, “The Enneagram’s beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” The Enneagram’s faith perspective is in the hands of the one who learns or teaches.
But wow. Just wow.
Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram was written by the four of us who have been trying to love, walk, work, do justice, and love mercy throughout our adult lives.
So, “Is the Enneagram a Christian model for human development?” we would say, “Who is doing the learning or the teaching?” For these four, who have been pastors and spiritual directors for many years, we see the Triune God not only at work with those who employ the Enneagram to assist them in their inner work but everywhere you seek to find God.
When a friend and follower of Jesus approaches science, music, psychology, philanthropies, etc., they can’t help but see the One who creates all and co-creates with people. How you approach life and utilize the work of a personality map or anything else is in your hands.
The many teachers, professors, and authors I have chosen to learn from, who teach the Enneagram, Meyers Briggs, Strengthfinders, etc., do so to help human beings flourish, whether they have identified as Christian or not. If you look for God, you’ll find God; if you look for evil, you can find that, too.
Last I checked, the beauty of God, faith, and the Bible is also in the hands of the beholder. Some of the meanest people I’ve ever met teach about God, faith, and the Bible. I wouldn’t read their books or attend their classes.
So, wow, just wow! We’re in our 7th printing, and we pray that all who read and learn from us find FAITH more vivid, HOPE more solid, and LOVE for God deepening with every step you take in this trip of a lifetime!
PS Learn the Enneagram with us!