Scripture thought for the week:
Elijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” But the people said nothing. Then Elijah said to them, “I am the only one of the LORD’s prophets left. . . 1 Kings 18:21-22a
Dear Friends,
Take the church for instance, the reality is the church is meant to be God’s refuge for the world, not God’s refuge from the world. We can easily and understandably feel as though the church is the one place the unbelieving world can’t “get at us.” We perceive the church to be the bomb shelter in the midst of intense warfare. However, God’s intention from the start was that we would find our refuge, shelter, protection, and hiding place only in His presence. God’s intention for the church is that it would be a refuge for the world. A place for the broken and weary to finally find the hope and healing they have longed for. Where the lonely and outcast find love and community. A place of transformation from the imprint of a culture and environment that we all desire to break free from.
Maybe that’s why the biblical record of the birth of the church is called “The Book of Acts” instead of “The Book of Hiding.” The church is the active life force of God on the earth, called to bring hope, restoration, and love to a broken world. There’s nothing on earth like the local church. Isn’t it great to be where the action is?
Take A Step:
Examine your involvement in bringing God’s love and presence to people who are away from God. Make a step this week to invite a friend to where the action is (the church).

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©2008 Scott & Clare Loughrige