Ethiopian Orthodox Transfiguration icon, from the Monastery de Bose, Italy. 


Transfiguration Sunday: The Third Way Between Feasting & Fasting

We are in the second week of our Feasting & Fasting series, and today, we land at a fork in the road—a discernment moment with two Gospel choices:

  • Jesus getting all lit up on the mountain with Moses and Elijah (Luke 9:28-36).

  • Jesus calling Herod a fox and himself a mother hen (Luke 13:31-34).

Now, I’ll be honest. The temptation to preach about foxes and hens was real—because some days, I really want Jesus to hand me a divine permission slip to call some people foxes.

But today is not that day.

Because what we need right now is not more name-calling but more transformation.

And so, we find ourselves at the Transfiguration, where Jesus—on His way to the cross—takes a divine pit stop to stand between Moses and Elijah, the Law and the Prophets, Feasting and Fasting. And what does He do? He fulfills them both perfectly and offers us something even better: a third way.

The Third Way of Jesus

Moses knew fasting. Forty days, no bread, no water, just divine sustenance and a glow-up that eventually faded. Elijah knew fasting. Forty days on one meal, plus a dramatic exit strategy. And Peter? Peter knew feasting—so much so that when he saw Jesus shining, he immediately suggested setting up tents and settling in for a long stay.

But Jesus isn’t interested in picking sides. He doesn’t stay on the mountain, nor does He rush past it. He lets the disciples see, hear, and—most importantly—be transformed.

Because in Christ, we don’t have to choose between feasting or fasting, law or prophecy, sacrifice or celebration. He is all of it, fulfilled. And in a world that feels more and more deformed from the image of God, we must be people who choose transformation over name-calling, renewal over retreat, and resurrection over rigidity.

So today, we step onto the mountain to let Christ transform us—because we don’t just need a better argument; we need a brighter vision of what it means to be fully alive in God.

And maybe—just maybe—if we stick with Him, we’ll come back down the mountain a little less reactive, a little less divided, and a little more like Jesus.

Teaching: Jesus as the Third Way

  • Moses says, “Teach the Law!” – Maintain order, preserve the past, stay faithful.

  • Elijah says, “Call down fire on the system!” – Call out injustice, tear down what is corrupt.

  • Jesus stands still. He neither clings to the law nor critiques the people or burns down systems but reveals something wholly new.

  • Jesus lets God speak. He doesn’t explain, defend, or justify—He simply receives and radiates God’s presence.

Standing Still in God’s Presence

“In a few days, Jesus will be tempted to explain things, to perform signs, to control the narrative. But here, in this moment, He doesn’t teach or argue. He simply stands in the light and lets God speak.”

What about us?

“In a deeply divided world, we often think we must choose between enforcing rules (Moses) or burning it all down (Elijah). But Jesus invites us to something deeper: To stand still in God’s presence, listen, and discern the next faithful step.”

Spiritual Direction Questions (Self-Regulation & Discernment)

Where are you most tempted right now?

  • To hold tightly to certainty (law, tradition, control)?

  • To call down fire in frustration (critique, rebellion, deconstruction)?

  • Or to stand still and listen for God’s voice in the tension?

How is God calling you to be transfigured?

  • What needs to fall away so Christ’s light can shine through?

  • What habit, thought, or fear is keeping you from simply standing in God’s presence?

Who is one person you need to listen to with new ears so that you can discover a third way?

  • Someone from a different background, belief, or life experience?

  • What might happen if you paused, let go of defensiveness, and truly listened?

Prayer for us
Triune God,
Christ’s transfiguration is the brilliance we need. Transform us into a new way of being. Help us neither to grasp too tightly nor to react too quickly, but to stand still and listen. Transform us, that we might reflect Your light in our communities. Amen.

Join Us in June

You can join us in June for four days of the Third Way Enneagram Harmony Model—deep dive, full send.

Click here to work toward certification or simply retreat for your soul’s sake. Either way, expect a third way.