Dear Friend,
During a lunch with our parents this week, my (Clare’s) dad told us a story of a post funeral inheritance fight. The piece of wisdom he left us with that day was “time brings greed”. He explained that everyone feels loving and generous at first impulse but when people are given time to think about what they are going to get, they may decide they deserve more.
In the same way God commands us to give our “first” fruits. Why? Because if we wait… we may decide we deserve more and God gets seconds. Time brings greed. If we respond immediately to giving as God’s Word instructs us, greed is defeated and the favor of God is released to us! God can only bless generosity- never can He bless greed.
Did you ever wonder why God was displeased with Cain’s offering and described his future as a “cursed wanderer”? (Gen 4:11-12)
Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the LORD. But Abel brought fat portions from the firstborn of his flock. The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. (From Gen 4:3-5)
Time brings greed… we may bring some… but God is not first and he will not let His favor rest on some offering. Be determined to put God first in giving your time, talent and treasure and live in the favor of God.
Spiritual Practices this week:
1. Open your calendar and schedule your talents for His kingdom first, then your recreation and hobbies.
2. Write out your first check to God’s work (tithe and offerings), then your bills.
Desiring to put God first,

Click here to listen to last week’s message.
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