Take time to consider Isaiah’s challenging words.
During Lent, many people give up or “fast” something they rely on daily so that when they reach for that familiar thing, they remember to reach for God. Scott readily fasts food, Clare does not. Clare would rather eat than be hangry =)
Both of us have the desire to live a “fasted life” and embody the words of this scripture. The term a “fasted life” was a challenge we accepted decades ago. We were invited to surrender our lives to God and say yes to whatever God asked whenever God asked. Sometimes we miss it but when we are living the “fast that God chooses” we experience the presence of God in miraculous ways.
What is the “fasted life” God has chosen for you? It is as unique as you are.
Practice– What are you clinging to that isn’t satisfying? Instead of reaching for that, reach for God. Watch for those treated unjustly; the homeless, oppressed, hungry, naked, the marginalized and the “kin” you hide from. Reach out to them. Fast your comfort, judgment, apathy and engage your time, talent or treasure. Cry for help and hear God say to you, “Here I am.”