The Brain is a Magnificent Labyrinth

This morning’s Scripture (listen and read entire passage here) is affixed to an image of the brain that I (Clare) dreamed about over and over last night.  The short interpretation of Jeremiah 17:5-10 is that when we trust in our flesh, mind, and strength alone, its like living under a curse.

Back to the Dream:

In my dream, I kept hearing “the brain is a magnificent labyrinth.” So my nerdy self has spent the morning looking at brain images. Here’s one of the many pictures I like:

(photo credit

Back to Scripture and prayer:

After listening to the passage, I (Scott) began to pray that we would be led by the Spirit and not just our human intellect and automatic strategies. Looking at all the opportunities we have to choose blessed or cursed (un-blessed) paths, and we want to choose well.

In our new book, we talk about how neural pathways in the brain are formed (in easy to understand language) and how when we’re on automatic, those pathways have led us to do some stupid stuff. We are committed to practicing new paths to freedom.  Dr. Dan Siegal says “Neurons that fire together wire together.” We want to intentionally fire a new set of happy neurons that lead to life! We want to create ways to access all that will bring us into the blessed life God intends.

How about you, what do you do when you’re on automatic? Is that helping or hurting your life? What parts of this magnificent labyrinth called the brain are easy for you to access? What is difficult? Talk to God about this…

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