Sleeping or Sleepless? 1st Tuesday of Advent

Sweet Remi #7

First Tuesday of Advent reading- Romans 13:11

“Besides this, you know what time it is, how it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we became believers;”

It’s so interesting that the season of reflection on the anticipation of Christ’s birth is full of waking and sleeping metaphors.

I remember my four sleepless pregnancies. Those four tiny people and the subsequent addition of their people (7 grandchildren) still keep me wakeful with the excitement and concerns for their lives.

So the advent question for me is: how awake am I to carrying the life of Christ in me?

I offer these prompts as a way to open a conversation with the Holy Spirit-

“Wake us from drowsy worship, the sleep that neglects love,
and the sedative of misdirected frenzy.”

Is my worship Drowsy?
Is my faith in Christ sleepy and neglecting love?
Am I numbed out in a misdirected frenzy?

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