Scripture thought for the week: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up. . .” 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Dear Friend,
Do you need a word of courage today? Try giving courage away and see what happens. The word encourage means to impart courage, to urge forward. We all need that! We find if we need courage we should look for someone we can give courage to. Then, it’s amazing . . . our own hearts get stronger!
Unfortunately, we all have relationships that dampen our courage; relationships that feed on the “what if’s,” the impossibilities or the negatives of life. Proverbs tells us “the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Do you look for ways to heal and encourage people? Do your words bring hope, health and strength? Or do you waste your gift of words in gossip, nay-saying or negativity? Relationships were given to us by God to help one another reach our God-given potential. We were made to build each other, heal each other, to urge one another forward!
So here is our word to you: God made you in His image. You matter to Him and to His purposes on the earth. Your life can reach its full potential as you love Him and other people. Receive the truth of God’s words about you and others. He formed you and the people you are in relationship with to accomplish great things on the earth. He desires that you enjoy His love for you and the beauty of the life He created you for. We believe in you because we believe in the God who made you. Receive courage from God today! Refuse to partake in hearing or speaking words of negativity or discouragement. Believe in God, believe in the work He is doing in you and others and watch healing and courage rise up!
Action Steps:
Begin your day reading words of life from Scripture, slowly, savoring each word.
Reflect and allow God to speak to you from what you read.
Allow the words or phrases to speak to you all day.
Write them down and keep them with you.
Look for opportunities to encourage someone else with those very words.
This, our dear friends, is the un-vicious cycle of courage.
Be Encouraged Today,

News and Such . . .
Remember to pray for the families who were victims on September 11th, for our country and its leaders who take counsel for the world and its tragedies.
Also pray for Pastor Carlo. The families, the schools and the churches have survived the terrible hurricanes! Many who lost their homes are staying in the churches and because of Crossroads Church they are all being fed! All praise be to God! Thank you, Crossroads partners!
©2008 Scott & Clare Loughrige