Our prayer for you in this New Year…
To live in the unforced rhythms of grace
to know God in prayer as the One
who knows and loves you deeply
to experience the One
who can set the course for a year
filled with Divine purpose
to enjoy God and the people
God has given to love you
to show compassion on those
God has given you to care for…
In returning no one evil for evil
in forgiving as you have been forgiven
in sharing what is freely given
in giving away what you cannot keep…
Holding all things loosely
believing all things boldly
kneeling at all times reverently
enduring all circumstances bravely
standing in faith on all days
and when you fail… rise again!
You will receive healing grace, divine ideas, innovative strategies, wisdom for decisions, promotion and position into God’s will and ways … the keys to His Kingdom (Matt 16:19) in this New Year.
In Jesus precious and holy name. Amen
With Deep Love and Anticipation,