Obey the Lord your God so that all these blessings will come and stay with you. Deut. 28:2 NCV
Our prayer for you, our Crossroads friends and family, in 2011:
Generous God, you see the hopes of our friends and family. Powerful God, you see the longing and desire in their hearts. Merciful God, you know the depth of each need… more than anyone… even themselves. We trust you to supply all of their hopes, longings, desires and needs in this New Year. Create in each one…
A fresh infilling of presence, power and purpose
A new heart of compassion, mercy and forgiveness
The divine happiness of courage, risk and danger
The fruit of conviction, obedience, endurance
The peace of guidance, discernment and contentment
The blessings of joy, thrill and celebration
The assurance of servanthood, sacrifice and eternal life
A love that inspires, compels and transforms and overtakes you.
New life, new beginnings, fresh faith and hope in you, Lord Jesus Christ.
This we pray in the name of the One who makes all things new.