Hello Friends and Family of Crossroads,
If you haven’t heard the BIG NEWS click here and scroll down to the message on 8-03-08 titled “Big News”. Once you have heard the vision of Crossroads Church and the blessing of this new opportunity to reach this region with the Good News, feel free to submit a question here. (Please allow 5-7 business days for your question — and the answer — to appear.)
This FAQ section is designed to keep our church family updated on the progress of our new land opportunity and building plans. Our Eldership Team and Pastoral Staff are open to ANY and ALL questions! The only wrong questions are the ones not asked or the ones asked to people who can’t give you accurate information. All of our leaders will be regularly updated at the Leadership Community meetings (next meeting- 9-27). They will also be able to help direct you to the correct information.
This will be our faithful effort to provide factual, up-to-date information. Check back often, as we will update this section with new information as it becomes available.
Let the Conversations begin!!
We look forward to it.
Committed to Christ and this region,
Your Pastors,

Romans 14:19
P.S. For those without web access, we will continue to encourage them to call the office and speak to anyone on our staff.
©2008 Scott & Clare Loughrige