Mislaying my…

It’s true; God speaks. If we’re awake and listening, we will hear just what is needed, even when what is needed is silence.

I (Clare) spent Thursday night in Detroit hanging out with my 91-year-old mom on the way to a silent retreat in Nebraska. Mom recently found her mom’s poem and wanted me to read it to her before I left. I had no idea God was about to speak.

“I am always mislaying nowadays

my glasses, my pen, a book.

They were here a moment ago until the malice possessed them.

I will find them perhaps where I left them or perhaps never find them at all.

But there are more important things mislaid everywhere:

Glimpses of beauty, moments of pity, sudden recollections, intonations, the shadow of clouds,  half-heard sounds.

Passing, passing, already beyond reach

lost while I look for my glasses.  (Grandma Lehla Delmar unedited)

Grandma’s Lehla’s poem guided me into 48 hours of silence. I found things I mislaid in my soul in this season of both wonderful and painful too-muchness.

Yesterday I returned home to conversations with Scott where we found mislaid questions, encouragement, saucy and sweet words that revealed faith, hope, and love. Amazing what a simple poem and 48 hours in silence can do for the soul.

Do you have spiritual practices that guide you into the gift of finding what you’ve mislaid?


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