Genesis 50:20
What an amazing life perspective Joseph mentors us in.
Talk about turning lemons into lemonade. Life almost from the start didn’t seem to go as planned for Joseph, but by faith, character and courage, he found God has something greater than he could have even “dreamed” of for his future. Sometimes when life doesn’t go as planned it’s easy to blame shift, give in to temptation, lack compassion, and stop trusting God, maybe even all at the same time.
Joseph instead mentors us in relying on God through all that life brings our way and always knowing that His plan for us is greater than our own.
Abandonment, rejection, false accusations, prison, loneliness, stress . . . all became places of leaning into God even more. So, what lemons are you being handed today? Maybe it’s time to hand them over to the One who makes the best lemonade you ever dreamed of. He really works it for your good.