The Judge Within

You have a judge within. If you could give yours a name, what would it be? Harsh? Benevolent? Justice? Mercy? What we have seen in over three decades of ministry life is that forgiveness, grace, and non-judgment come effortlessly from individuals that regularly practice these skills.

The pain you have lived through may be unbearable, but we promise unforgiveness and judgment is an insufferable weight. You can’t undo what happened to you, but you can decide you won’t be dominated by it.

When we refrain from judging and give forgiveness, it pours out all over us, and the unvicious cycle of giving and receiving gets set in motion. You’ll forgive yourself more quickly and have the power to unseat the judge within.

During the season of Lent, we practice fasting and giving. Try fasting judgment and giving forgiveness. See what happens.


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