Scripture for the Week
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and a thank offering and into His courts with praise! Be thankful and say so to Him, bless and affectionately praise His name!
Psalm 100:4 (Amp)
Dear Friend,
Happy Thanksgiving! This past week our message on Thanksgiving revealed the power of giving thanks. We looked at what God has to say about a life of giving thanks . . .
Thanksgiving will open doors for you.
Thanksgiving will cleanse you.
Thanksgiving will change you.
Thanksgiving will make you whole.
Thanksgiving gives life.
Thanksgiving gives us communion with God.
Click here to watch that life-filled message.
We pray you will purposefully look for all things to be thankful for. List them . . . and then tell the people you are thankful for why you are thankful for them! Let your life be filled with the power of thanksgiving.
A Prayer for Thanksgiving
Grant me a heart of gratefulness oh God
so that I can live from the depth of my being.
May I take notice of disregarded moments of goodness.
Reveal to me the neglected gifts of grace
and show me your Presence within them.
Give me the desire to grow in thankfulness
that I may know true freedom–
the freedom of living without the need for more or better.
In gratitude I go deep
In noticing I experience your touch
In growing I am free.
On this day, I give thanks.
All our love and thanks for you this Thanksgiving,

Scott & Clare
Crossroads Church & Ministries