Scripture for the week:
“God is a consuming fire.”
Hebrews 12:29 (NIV)
Dear Friend,
When you think of fire what comes to your mind? Campfires? Fireplaces? Romantic or family moments of warmth, relaxation or roasting marshmallows? Not me (Clare), I think of being 8 years old and the consuming fire I set that destroyed our home. Whether it was the flame itself or the smoke and water damage, the beauty of our 3500 sq. ft. home was consumed by the fire I started.
Believe it or not, in that little 8 year old mind, I think it was on purpose. You see, my dad was going to England on business for 3 months. He told us he would call us and we should not call him, unless the house burned down or somebody died! Now he said that facetiously, of course. However, an 8 year old girl was devastated that her daddy was leaving for 3 months (it felt like a lifetime!).
As a little Catholic girl, choosing between someone dying and starting a fire to get my daddy to come home was a no brainer. Murder was a mortal sin, so it was out of the question! Now I don’t remember plotting to set the house on fire… but I remember 3 little girls making bonfires in the middle of the bedroom and stamping them out. Each time we let them get a little bigger before we stamped and… well one got out of control… Fire trucks came… the fire was out… the longing for daddy grew stronger.
Very, very long story short, my father came home from England, picked me up, spun me around, kissed my face and told me “things are replaceable and people are not, I am so grateful you are safe, I love you.” I think I was testing his love with fire.
For me, fire is about passion. When I read “our God is a consuming fire”, that makes sense to me. It’s not about a campfire, a fireplace, romance or roasting marshmallows… it’s about a passionate love that will cause you to risk anything to experience it. It moves you to say, “Things mean nothing to me… I want to be in the presence of this Love, hear the voice of the One I love, feel the embrace of the One my soul is consumed with.”
How is the fire in your life? Do you know the passionate, consuming love of God? Have you ever said yes to a relationship with God that has you longing for more of Him? His presence? His Word? His touch? Did you have the fire once, but now you are but a flicker? There are risks you have to take to experience this kind of passionate love. If you’re ready, let us guide you…
Forsake all things that keep your heart separated from God. Whether it be pride, love of things, or sin in your life… turn your back on anything that would mean more than the relationship God is longing to have with you.
Intuit the ways that bring you near to God. How are you made? When, in your gut, did you know were close to Him? Were you working for a cause? In nature? Serving others? Make sure you go to the places you recognize and feel the fire of God with you and in you.
Risk looking like a fool. There are times people will not understand your passionate love for God… love Him anyway! Be willing to be uncomfortable with others so you can be comfortable with the One w
hose passion took Him to a cross to die for your sins. Let yourself be on fire with love!
hose passion took Him to a cross to die for your sins. Let yourself be on fire with love!
Experience God’s love in prayer, Scripture reading and singing love songs to Him. Get swept up in the embrace of the One who says “I love you”. Get consumed with the Eternal. Let your calendar/blackberry reflect ways you plan to experience God… daily alone time with Him, weekly worship time in His House, spiritual friendship with other believers, purposeful presence with those who need to know the love of God. Don’t let the fire go out!!
His breath kindles coals… Job 41:21 (NKJV)
Praying for FIRE,

CLICK HERE to invite a friend to GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE THIS WEEKEND as we join with churches all over the world in the ONEPRAYER Series.
Sunday Service Times are 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.
Upcoming Events
6/7 Experience SHAPE (301) 9:30 a.m. Enroll online
Experience Crossroads (101) 12:45 p.m. Enroll online
6/10 Clean, Repair and Care for God’s House 7-8:30 p.m.