Quote for the week:
“This is God’s universe and He does things His way. You may have a better way, but you don’t have a universe.” J. Vernon McGee
Dear Friends,
This is a quote that has made us smile, given us courage and helped us through all of the vicissitudes of life. God is so immense and so close…. so much more than we … but desires to live in us. His ways are higher than our ways… His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We are eternally grateful that the God of the Universe is our God, our Savior and very best friend!
Do you have any questions for God today? Have you ever tried to instruct God or give Him some counsel? Are your prayers sometimes more like “lists than listening”? Have you ever been tempted to shake your fist at heaven and shout “Why, God, Why?” Of course… us too!
We want to invite you to open up your heart to the God of the universe. Get alone, take 10 minutes (or more if you want to watch all four parts) and watch the video below. Let the concerns of life be swallowed up in the greatness of God. Allow your heart and faith to expand like the universe… and the God of the universe will guide you home. This God, who has a universe, loves you massively, and His plans for you… they’re BRILLIANT!
Video link: How Great is Our God

CLICK HERE to invite a friend to “GOD IS ….” THIS WEEKEND as we continue with churches all over the world in the ONEPRAYER Series.
CLICK HERE for the ONEPRAYER prayer schedule
6/21 Father’s Day
6/26 Safe Haven Marriage Life Group, 7 p.m.
6/28 – 7/2 Pray for our pastors while they are in Haiti
6/30 Red Cross Blood Drive
7/22 Life Group Leaders BBQ