Four-letter words and other personality typologies-


Did you ever take one of those personality style assessments where the results were a “four letter word?” Was the four letter word welcomed or did you feel like someone just described you with a expletive?

The first time I took the Myers-Briggs personality assessment I came out as an ENFJ, an acronym for extroversion, intuition, feeling, judgment. After reading the description, I didn’t want the 11 other pastors I was with to know my four letter word! I had just been cussed at, exposed!

That typology described my coping strategies in the world, but it didn’t capture my Essence, my true self. It wasn’t until the personality tool called the Enneagram that my true-self found a description and my false self-coping strategies found hope for transformation.

Transformation is a buzzword. Everybody uses it. My stylist and friend introduced me to a “Brazillian Blowout” that transformed my hair, but for only about six weeks. That’s fine for hair transformation, but when it comes to the soul we all need something more long lasting, in fact eternal!

The Enneagram Personality Styles tool is all about presence, being present to God, being present to yourself, and how we’re made in God’s image. Whenever we are not present to God and our “God image”, we will end up on our edge, away from Presence and end up using strategies that wound our lives and the lives of other people. Being aware of presence is a practice that can make and remake you as often as you bring intention to your attention.

This weekend we will be guiding 70+ brave souls on a journey of discovery through this personality tool. They will increase their awareness of how they are image bearers of God, what takes them away from the Divine presence and how to come back home to their true selves.

Transformation is a lifetime process. We are made new momently when we open to the grace of transformation. These individuals are not coming for a one-time experience; they will go home with a tool that can keep centered, aware of Presence, for the goodness of their own soul and the people with whom they are in a relationship.

On the Journey of transformation always and forever, amen.

Resources for the Enneagram and Crossroads Retreat

©csloughrige 2016




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