Lectionary Reading from the Blue Book =) 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

And God has made all things new, and reconciled us to himself, and given us the ministry of reconciling others to God. 2 Corinthians 5:18
The presence of Christ is the spirit of reconciliation. The word reconciled in the passage above is the Greek word katallássō, used in the redemptive sense of a sinner reconciling to God. How are we carrying the presence of Christ? What if Christ-followers became ambassadors of value and participants in redemption? How would your relationships and our community benefit? How would the world see the presence of Christ in these difficult days?
Our student from the Netherlands, Egbert Stoel is our treasured guest today. Spiritual Director, Former World News Journalist, and Enneagram Nine, Egbert masterfully values others and guides us to become the presence of Christ as ministers of reconciliation.
All guests are Alumni of ©iEnneagram Certification Program
Valuing you,
Contact Egbert Stoel egbertstoel@gmail.com
- Scott and Clare’s Enneagram books here Enneagram Personality Styles, Motions of the Soul, and Spiritual rhythms for the Enneagram.
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