Lectionary Reading from the Blue Book =) Galatians 3:23-4:7

You have all become true children of God by the faith of Jesus the Anointed One! It was faith that immersed you into Jesus, the Anointed One, and now you are covered and clothed with his anointing. 28 And we no longer see each other in our former state—Jew or non-Jew, rich or poor,male or female—because we’re all one through our union with Jesus Christ
with no distinction between us.“ Galatians 3:26-28 TPT
What would happen if we lived like “true children of God”? Is there a “false child of God”? A false self? Could it be that we are present in God’s presence when we live in our true self? Conversely, when we are “false,” we live unaware of God and driven by ego? What if we were attentive to our oneness with God and each other? How would your relationships look? How would the Body of Christ be different? How would the mission of Jesus be activated?
Today, our co-author Rev. Dr. Doug Calhoun gives us a way a simple way to be attentive to the presence of God within us. He reminds us that as God’s temple, we can practice remembering God and our true selves. Let his beautiful pastor/spiritual director’s heart help bring you home to what is true about God and you.
All guests are Alumni of ©iEnneagram Certification Program or CROSSROADS TRANSFORMING RETREATS COMMUNITY
Taking a breath…attentive to God’s Presence,
Connect with Doug Calhoun
Doug’s Calhoun’s website
Co-Author, Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram
Spiritual Formation Pastor, High Rock Church
Adele and Doug Calhoun on Enneagram Midday Cafe
- Scott and Clare’s Enneagram books here Enneagram Personality Styles, Motions of the Soul, and Spiritual rhythms for the Enneagram.
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- Scott and Clare’s Enneagram and Christianity Podcast