Scripture for the week:
John 21:17-19 (MSG) Then He said it a third time: “Simon, do you love me?” Peter was upset that he asked for the third time, “Do you love me?” so he answered, “Master, you know everything there is to know. You’ve got to know that I love you.”
Dear Friend,
Whoa! You can’t blame Peter for being upset that Jesus thinks his love is “questionable”. Imagine Jesus asking you this question 3 times! Put your name in the blank; ” ________ do you love me?” This is one of those questions that gets to the heart of the matter, the center of your soul. No bull… no pretense or pretending… just tell me “________ do you love me?” Clearly, Jesus was trying to rattle or wake up Simon Peter’s love… and all the readers (us) who would come after him.
Jesus has some answers to his question in the preceding and following verses. It appears that love is a verb. It’s a moving, saying, doing kind of word. Yet God not only wants love to be a verb but then… an adjective. Simply put; God wants love to be experienced in you, through you and then maybe best of all… describing and defining who you are.
When was the last time you felt unquestionable love move through you to another person? You know, the kind of love that is so clear, so true, so passionate that it isn’t questioned. Do you feel like your love is asleep or… in a coma? Ask yourself “Does God or anybody else know that I love Him or them?” Would the VIP’s in your life say you are “loving”?
If love is a saying, doing, moving kind of force that leaves a trail behind us – that describes who we are – let’s take 20 minutes and experience it:
Loving Him and you,

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