“But now, this is what the LORD says he who created you: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and…when you pass through the rivers,they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.. Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you..” From Isaiah 43:1-4
While spending time with this scripture over the last few days I (Clare) am hearing the phrase “But now”, and I (Scott) am hearing the word “through”. We are continuing to listen and savor what God is speaking through this passage and these “small” words particularly. What we have learned is that the smallest word from God can change things… even your life! We are deeply encouraged and challenged to do something with what God has spoken… we are even more importantly deeply invited to experience connection with God in the process.
If you remember, the word God gave us for the church in 2010 is year of connections. Connecting with God and people in ways that will bring eternity into the hearts of people that will lead them into eternity with God. One of the primary ways to connect with God is to listen for His word to us personally through His words in scripture.
How about you… do you have time in your schedule to listen? Time to hear the words of the One who loves you and can give faithful direction to your life? Time to have a conversation with the One who listens to you? Here is a way to connect with God and His words today. Take about 15 minutes to 20 minutes…
- Silence: Begin in silence.Take a few moments to quiet yourself in God’s presence turning your heart and mind toward Him. Use this moment to slow down… breathe in the truth that God wants to connect with you and breathe out the busyness and complexity of your life. (1 or 2 minutes)
- Read: Read a short passage of scripture aloud, slowly twice. Listen for a word that warms you, alarms you or invites you to pay attention to it. Stay with that word. Gently repeating and hearing it in your heart and mind. (4 minutes)
- Meditate: Sit in silence with your word. Allow the word to ruminate within you. Savor the word like a delicious piece of food in your mouth. Consider how this word connects with what’s going on in your life today… what area of your life does this word touch…? (3 or 4 minutes)
- Pray: Talk to God honestly about your feelings. Does this word bring gratitude? confession? excitement? tears? trepidation? Fall deeply into prayer. Let all of your emotions and anxieties be played out without holding back. Journaling or drawing may assist you in this moment. (3 or 4 minutes)
- Contemplate: Now, rest silently in God’s presence. Trust God that the words that have been shared between you are blessed. Trust the understanding, the working out of this conversation… and yourself into the hands of a faithful God who loves you. (2 minutes)
- Live it out! Is there anything God might want you to do in response to what you have heard? Look for the ways the Word of God will become flesh to your world… through you. Journal or tell a friend what you have heard and plan to do.
Connecting with God and you through His Word,
P.S. Learn more about connecting through our series There’s an App for ThatThis week the app… faithbook