“Bigger-than-you” connections!
Have you ever been somewhere that you knew you had better pay attention because something pretty important was about to happen? Have you ever felt that your life was about to change if you would just open your eyes? Sometimes you think you’re traveling somewhere for a particular purpose and you find out it was much more that you originally thought it was. It is a “Divine encounter” a “bigger-than-you” connection! This coming week is going to be a response to one of those “open your eyes” moments and “bigger than me” connections.
So, I flew to Baltimore for a 3-day gathering with 70 brilliant leaders from around the nation. One of the reasons I am willing to get on airplanes (which I hate) are the new ways I will see the world and meet awesome people. People are my passion, they fascinate me, and these 70 people were indeed fascinating. Present were leaders in great works of social justice, mercy and Good News. Some organizations I had never heard of before and then there were organizations who have always had my respect like; Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army and International Justice Mission (IJM). Just being in the presence of these great people gives me hope that light always comes in to dispel darkness. People who use their God-given brilliance for good work just pumps the heart with hope for the world. And friends, we need to be around people who pump the world with authentic-hope!
Anyone who knows Scott and me know that what gets our hopeful energy in action (and our blood boiling) is protection and justice for children. It is one of the reasons that I have served on Sexual Assault Services Advisory Board for our county. Some of the moments of deep satisfaction for us as a couple and ministry team have come when our church was able to house the Child Advocacy Center (CAC) that serves 3 counties and our daughter Sara founded the NPO The Brian Project to prevent violence, educate and empower children to reach their 25th birthday non-violently. Some of our most tragic moments have occurred when children we love have been victimized by violence. Blood boiling moments when legislation I worked on with Rep. Lawrence Wenke, to protect children in churches and nonprofits from sexual predators was dismissed without even a vote in Lansing. Every child deserves to be protected and that runs deep in our spiritual DNA. This moment in Baltimore was about to bring another moment to use our hopeful energy for those cannot defend themselves.
I’ll never forget it, the conversation began in the cafeteria line putting eggs and bacon on my plate, telling IJM VP Jim Martin about the CAC in our church. Jim said “Do you realize that you are a part of the 2% of churches that are addressing the justice issue?” No I didn’t. Scott and I worked on a faith task force to educate clergy on abuse issues…we didn’t have a big crowd. We hosted a Violence Summit at our church and a prosecutor interrupted me during my presentation with the quip “I have never heard a pastor speak about these things” still, it still didn’t compute…we were in the 2%. I was in disbelief but later I found out Jim Martin was an authority on this issue and had written a book on the subject of justice issues and the church entitled The Just Church.
After that trip, Scott and I became freedom fighters by supporting IJM financially AND also realized that this Divine connection might be calling for more of us as a faith-community. After several months of that 2% statistic staying with me and 18 more months of encounters with IJM leaders, even I couldn’t miss the nudge from God to ask Jim to come and speak to our community. Jim said yes! This Saturday and Sunday Jim will be speaking and at Crossroads and other venues in Southern Michigan. We are having another “bigger-than-you” moment
We are deeply grateful that our community has the opportunity to hear from IJM, one of the leading voices in rescue for the 27million plus people held captive in human slavery. We are equally grateful to be partnering with those in this community who are protecting our children everyday. Southern Michigan is a small spot on the globe but once again we will be a place that is not insular but willing to see “our neighbors as we see ourselves”. The committee (Jennifer Fopma, Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force, Executive Director at Safe Place, Joyce E. Siegel, Program Manager at Sexual Assault Services, Maria Markos, Sexual Assault Services Prevention Educator, Shawn Loughrige, D/F/Lt. Investigative Services Section Commander, Michigan State Police, Deirdre Ford, Prosecutor, Violence Against Women Project with the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan, Jeremy Norwood, Spring Arbor University Coalition Against Human Trafficking, Mary Albert Darling Associate Professor of Communication SAU, Kathleen Loughrige, CCM pastor, I’ve Got Your Backs Director, Katie Bagale Half the Sky Marshall Chapter, Carrie Jacob – student at Olivet College, Dianne Thomas, Director of the Betsy Dole Women’s Resource center, Jack Brown, Olivet Congregational Church Minister; Adjunct Instructor of Religion, Daniel McQuown Albion College Chaplin) that are working with Scott and me to put on this event, will be offering take-home information on what is being done in Michigan to protect our children from abuse and trafficking, future educational opportunities to advocate for those who have suffered the worst of evil. In addition to Jim Martin speaking we will hear from The Michigan Human Trafficking Task force and our own CAC on how Human Trafficking can be spotted and addressed in our own neighborhoods. The event will bring awareness and equip community with hope to protect our own children and stand for those who have no voice.
Ask yourself–Are you ready for a “bigger than you moment”? A Divine connection that just might just pump your heart with authentic hope? Light will always come to dispel the darkness…if we bring our light.

With hope,