Be Loved.
Yep, I’m doing a little singing on February 14th. Shocker! Here are a few of my morning tunes:
🎶 “Could you be loved and be love?” —Bob Marley
“For a chance to be with you, I’d gladly risk it all.” —Chaka Khan
“Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever?” —Taylor Swift
“I feel like this is the beginning, though I’ve loved you for a million years.” —Stevie Wonder
“What’s love got to do with it?” —Tina Turner
“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” —Prophet Jeremiah 🎶
Love is music to the soul.
And no, this is not a Valentine’s post about my favorite person on the planet, Scott⏤ sweetheart of 46 years and wholeheartedly married 44! This is not about my kids, grandkids, or golden friends whom I love endlessly. This is not about loving God or your neighbor—though those loves are inextricably bound. In fact, the way we disregard and dismiss our neighbor tells me everything I need to know about our so-called “love” for God.
This is about loving yourself—which, like all love, is inseparably connected to the rest.
Check in. Take a breath.
How committed are you to your well-being? How tender are you with yourself? Does your inner supervisor, inner bully, or inner critic rule the day? Do the score of the past or the fear of the future define you?
Don’t you know that you are a “shooting star” (Bad Company 🎶)—a miracle, a wonder, a being of infinite worth? You are made in the image of the Creator. Doesn’t get more dreamy than that!
Take another breath. Let it be deep, let it be kind.
Today, be tender with yourself. Speak to yourself as you would to a beloved friend. Choose nourishment, rest, joy. Put on music that soothes your soul. Maybe even sit and write a love song to yourself.
Be loved. ❤️
Because love has everything to do with it. And it begins with you.
Love God, Neighbor and Self . Sharpen personal and professional skills with the Enneagram here.