Get Centered in an Edgy World.
Hello Friends,
Have you been on edge? Are the people in your world a bit edgy?
Truth be told, we have recently observed (or been in) more uncentered, heated, and edgy conversations than in over three decades in full-time ministry. People we care about avoid each other, leave churches, or allow anger, fear, and shame to break their relational and professional connections. But there is hope and help!
We say, “Many of your triggers and reactions are so automatic you don’t even realize they are happening. Words you didn’t intend to say fly out of your mouth. You wish you could take your actions back.” Calhoun, Loughrige. Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram.
The Navigators Train – Develop – Care course for leaders recommends the Fruits of the Spirit to check in on your soul’s health. Below is a short self-awareness exercise. Please enter this exercise gently, noticing without judgment. No shoulds or oughts, blaming or shaming violence to your soul, but an invitation to live wholeheartedly, “w”holy, and centered.
Consider the fruits of the Spirit in this list as conditions of soul health. On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is a “dull experience,” and 10 is a “vibrant experience,” where would you put your current experience of each of the fruits of the Spirit? Place each fruit (from the passage below) on the number line given here:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
(Galatians 5:22-23, NLT).*
Once we recognize a “dull experience” with those virtues or fruits vital to human flourishing, we can bring intention to our attention with practices that create harmony within and between us. We can live from a a healthy and centered soul.
Do you want to discover or rediscover the three-centered Triune God intelligence that honors your soul with spiritual practices that develop new neural pathways to head, heart, and gut intelligence that center you in an edgy world?
Our ©iEnneagram Harmony Approach with Spiritual Rhythms centers your soul and integrates head curiosity, heart emotions, and gut instincts. A trauma-informed approach opens the way to live and work in richer, healthier, and more harmonious ways. To experience the music of life in its fullness, you need to trust something besides your solo part. We want to help. Click here is a FREE sample chapter from our book Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram.
Do you want to develop your personal or professional life using a three-centered approach? Our 4-day training is a perfect way to begin 2025! 32 CEU’s included. Learn more here.
With Faith, Hope, and especially Love,
Clare and Scott
(You can follow the Revs. Loughrige blog here)
PS Are you interested in studying the art and practice of Spiritual Direction? This training can also be used as the application for the 2-year CSR Spiritual Direction School. Learn more here
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