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Scripture for the Week
1 Corinthians 14:1a (MSG)
Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it–because it does. Dear Friend,
Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it–because it does. Dear Friend,
Do you believe the Beatles were right in saying “All you need is love”? What if we were to say that every area of your life depended on love… your job, your business, your money, your health, and your relationships? Do you think we’re crazy? Maybe, but we think we’re right!
What if we applied the principles of loving like our life depended on it to our jobs? That would include loving what we do, loving our employees and our bosses. Don’t stop reading! Imagine a job where business decisions were made based on a person’s highest good… like someone’s life depended on it.
How about money? What if the financial investments we make, the spending we do and all our fiscal responsibilities were based on love? Could money become a product of love instead of the object of love? What if the treatment of finances reflected that life depended on it’s being used well?
Lets talk health. Do you think we would be healthier if we realized that taking care of our health was about loving others and ourselves? If so, then could strong health and energy cause us to become a love machine that doesn’t punk out, stress out or wear out?
And of course, relationships. Everybody knows love is at the core of our relationships… but is it really? Is our relational world giving us and those we’re in relationship with the juice, the care and the love they deserve?
Consider the last conversation you had with those that have been given to you. Are you happy with the way that conversation ended? Is there something you can do to rectify it? How much attention are you giving to going after – pursing – apprehending love like your life depended on it? What should you do to remind yourself that your life depends on love? Here are some thoughts:
Value: Bring clarity to a person’s worth. Take time today to tell or show somebody how important they are to you.
Empathy: Walk in someone else’s shoes. Purposefully place yourself in someone’s story. What do they need? Can you help meet that need?
Preference: Give another person first choice. Where can you lay aside your desires to fulfill another person’s desire? What can you sacrifice to prefer or give deference to someone as an act of love?
In closing, we take this opportunity to invite you to our 40 days of Love series beginning this Sunday either live or via the internet (click here). For 7 weeks we will be devoting our Sunday messages and weekly e-letters to ways that we can encounter love personally and grow in giving love away. We also invite you to enjoy the adventure of 40 days of fasting and prayer. We encourage you to join us in fasting and prayer during these 40 days to see love increase in our lives and our world. To get you prepared for the 40 days, click here to watch last week’s service. We believe these 40 days can change us and our world!
Galatians 5:14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Going after a life of love,