Advent & the Enneagram “Honest” Presence

Lectionary Reading from the Blue Book =) John 1:6-34

14 And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth. John: 1: 14

How are you doing with truth these days? When you’re “honest,” are you brutal? When you talk about what you believe, do you feel the grace of God within you? If Christ-followers lived in grace and truth, don’t you think there could be a radical revolution?

Jesus was never a player or a pretender. Yet, the directness that Jesus walked in was the gracious heart of God. Christ is the embodiment of honesty and you’ve been created in the “Imago Dei,” Image of God. When we’re real and grace-filled, we are present and reflect God. When we’re ignoring truth and pretending, we play God. How is “Honest Presence” showing up in your life?

Danielle Fanfair is an forthright friend. She says, “it takes to much energy to pretend.” As an author, consultant, coach and executive trainer and Enneagram ONE, you know she ain’t pretending. Allow her words to open a way for you to encounter Honest Presence.

ONES embody the goodness of God. ONES, when they are living a life led by the Holy Spirit are principled and idealistic with grace. Transforming ONES are ethical and conscientious but are not stuck in shoulds and oughts. Integrated ONES are creative reformers who can joyfully say “it is good” and end the day. As Sacred Crusaders, they will allow themselves to venture into uncharted territories to bring reform, knowing they will make honest mistakes. 

 ©Motions of the Soul 2012Clare Loughrige

Practice the presence of Honesty

  • Get to know your inner critic
  • Give yourself and others a break
  • Allow tenderness and caring in your honesty
  • Be aware of “ought” and “should” language
  •  Nightly Examen
    ©Motions of the Soul Clare Loughrige, 2012

Join us LIVE at Church Sunday for the Second Sunday of Advent “Gentle Presence” 10:32!

Taking an honest breath,



Danielles Fanfair’s website

Enneagram Super Powers with Daniele Fanfair IEA Great Lakes Chapter

Enneagram and Diversity with Danielle Fanfair IEA Great Lakes Chapter

Rev. Rene’ August on Work of the people

Scott and Clare’s Enneagram books here  Enneagram Personality StylesMotions of the Soul, and Spiritual rhythms for the Enneagram.

New to the Enneagram? Learn more here.

Eneagram and Christianity Podcast


Take the Enneagram Inventory

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