Advent Day Nine: Hold hands

“Strengthen the hands that are feeble, make firm the knees that are weak,
Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not!”*

These are difficult days. We need each other.

We read an exchange between two of our pastors on Facebook and thought you might benefit from the conversation.

Sara: “I saw a post today about the upcoming holiday and stressors around differences and polarizations and disagreements. It made me think of a friend I’ve had over the last several years who I don’t see life the same as. She and I differ on some key issues and we have had some important conversations that sometimes have involved tears. I also have to say when I was going through my divorce, her continual love and kindness was a light in my life. Just recently, an experience triggered some raw emotions and sheer panic. I had to remove myself from a group setting. Without her even knowing it, the calm and loving presence reminded me I wasn’t alone. Brene Brown says, “People are hard to hate close up. Move in. Speak truth to bullshit. Be civil. Hold hands.” I think we want to automatically tune people out that we disagree with. Now, don’t hear what I’m not saying. If someone is hurting your mental/physical well-being, don’t allow that for a moment. But can we create spaces where we move towards one another? Create brave and honest conversations and when we don’t agree, continue in civility? Even hold hands? That’s where real change happens.This relationship has changed who I am, it has caused me to grow, it has challenged me, and it has been a true blessing in my life. My prayer for all of us, is to have conversations that matter, create meaningful change and even in the disagreements, we can be civil and hold hands.

Stacey: Yes! Holding hands, aka, loving relationship is the key!! ❤️ Our friendship means more to me than anything we don’t see eye to eye on. You are more important, and our friendship is more important. I love, respect and honor you and all the ways you see things. I love hearing the way you see and understand things because it causes me to grow as well  ❤️ You never know, I could be wrong. 🤪😊 Even if we disagree, we stay in conversation and friendship and that is incredible and THAT is what matters. Thank you. Sara for the gift of your friendship! 🤗 So grateful for you and all the ways you show me how to love & care for others and have compassion & grace for all. 🤗

It’s hard to hate people close up.
Reach out.
Stay in the conversation.

*from The book of Isaiah Chapter 35

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