Are there dreams you’ve carried for years? If you’re an assertive type on the Enneagram, years are longer for you than others =) Some dreams take even longer than an Elephants’s pregnancy!
My mother used to say that from the time I was a baby, she always saw the back of me because I was always going somewhere. My story is hardwired from birth to move forward and sometimes leaves a mess behind me. There are times when I’ve outpaced God, and we’ve laughed together about it. I hear God say, “Yes, you’re ahead of me, but I love your energy!” Other times I hear, “Yes, you’ve gone out ahead of me, and how are you doing with the outcome? How is it with your soul? Clare Marie, don’t be anxious about anything, those were only exercises, and I’m here with you, loving you and helping you clean up the mess.”
God’s voice sounds a lot like my mom and dad. During “new beginnings,” I hear God, mom, and dad in every cell of my body.
Then there’s Scott. As if God’s voice wasn’t already good, this man took it to a whole ‘nother level. Patience, grace, kindness, encouragement… so many good gifts come from God through his voice to my ear. He believes in God in me and us. When I leave a mess, he helps me clean up, dust off and hear the voice of Love calling me inward and onward.
When we dreamed of birthing a Spiritual Direction School well over ten years ago, we waited and then waited some more. I didn’t go ahead of God this time (Scott’s withdrawn Enneagram energy helped immensely.) Finally, the gift of a Peer Supervision Group of Spiritual Directors came, and through the years, the vision began to take shape with the provision of these wise colleagues who would become part of the Core Faculty. Friends from other spaces emerged to bring brilliance and diversity to an Adjunct Faculty. The dream of a school was quickened! We felt life growing inside us!
So, while I’ve been pregnant for this longer than an elephant, tomorrow a school is born!! This new baby consists of four-Core Faculty, six-Adjunct Faculty, and twenty-four students from Italy, Columbia, and the US. They are Christian leaders saying yes to serving God’s people in a brand new way. We are in awe.
Please pray for us, the faculty and students, that we would live into the heart of God and bring God’s Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven. If you want to see some of the baby’s measurements, click here. https://ccmonline.org/schoolofspiritualdirection/
Baby pictures are coming soon!