Did you know that you are a word of God, too?
…even as he “chose” us in him before the foundation of the world… Ephesians 3:4
The word “chose” is the Greek work- Eklectos- which means a
“spoken forth word of God.” God spoke you forth before the foundations of the world. Your Divine DNA, the family genes, is uniquely expressed through you. It is your intimate connection with God’s Holy Spirit and the way you bring the image of God through your created being.
We can awaken to God’s Spirit and our true-self when we pray. We overcome the evil one when we live the unique “word of God’ we are. This “word” is a way we can “pray in the spirit at all times.”
Style Eight: Fast the need to be against
Style Nine: Fast the need to avoid conflict
Style One: Fast the need to be perfect
What if you fasted the desire for affection, esteem, approval and the lie that you are not enough. And for 40 days-
Style Two: Fast the need to be needed
Style Three: Fast the need to succeed
Style Four: Fast the need to be special
What if you let go of your desire for survival and security and the lie that you haven’t don’t have enough. And for 40 days-
Style Five: Fast the need to know it all
Style Six: Fast the need to be secure
Style Seven: Fast the need to avoid pain
If we are willing and open to this way of praying through the Season of Lent, Easter Sunday will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and could be a resurrection in you!
Are you interested? Is there a fresh desire to pray in the way you’re made? Join us Sunday live or live stream Crossroads or watch for the podcast as we take the journey 40 days: 9 ways!
Robert Mulholland, Shaped by the Word
Richard Rohr, The Enneagram: A Christian Perspective
Thomas Keating, The Welcoming Prayer