Scripture for the Week
Colossians 1:13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption…
Dear Friend,
What do you need to be redeemed from today? Sin, fear, worry, debt, hijacked relationships, a broken or warped image of God, ________? You fill in the blank. What is it? Where is life not all it could be or should be?
Redemption is defined in these ways: deliverance, rescue, atonement for guilt, salvation, paying off, as of a mortgage, bond, or note. Sound like what you need? You can have it.
Have you seen the series 24? This season is called 24: Redemption. The new season begins with the fictional federal Counter-Terrorist Unit’s (CTU’s) fearless agent (Jack Bauer) facing a Senate investigation for his treatment of terrorists while seeking to save or “redeem” innocent people. Among the fans of “24” is Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. Why? We think it’s because everybody is really hoping there is a Redeemer. Even the people at the top of the food chain for the greatest Super Power hope there is someone heroic, self sacrificing and unstoppable in the fight against evil.
Guess what? There is a Redeemer! It’s not Jack Bauer or Michael Chertoff. When you read about the life of Jesus, Redeeming describes every “24” hour period of His life. Read Mark chapter 4 and 5 in the Bible. Jesus uses a 24 hour period to give people peace, health, correction, understanding and forgiveness. It becomes so clear that this is the business He is always up to in every 24 . . . saving people from terrorists. Terrorists like sickness and poverty, anxiety, fear, sin and even sick religion!
Let this be a 24 where you allow God to be your hero. Let him enter into any darkness or terrorism that exists in your life.
Prayer: Dear God, I believe that in this 24 hour day you can meet me in the place of my need. My first need is to know Jesus Christ as my Savior and Redeemer. I then give you permission to show the dark places in my life. Let this be the day that I experience your rescuing power. Thank you that I have hope on this very day. Amen.
Redemption Blessings,

Action Steps:
Read Mark 4 and 5
See yourself in the story. What needs do you have that are like the people you read about?
Tell God where you need his redeeming power
Pray the above prayer (add your own words)
Watch for God’s rescue
Tell someone what God does for you