Todays Reading: Matthew 3:1-12
Now John wore clothing of camel’s hair with a leather belt around his waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey.
“I baptize you with water for repentance, but the one who is coming after me is more powerful than I, and I am not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
Camel Hair Coat Option A

Camel Hair Coats Option B

We did a little research on camel hair coats and thought that Option A was closer to John’s swag than Option B’s stylin’ camel hair coat look (we bet you that thought that was an ad. 😳)
John’s clothes were a stand against the “soft clothing” worn “in kings’ houses” (Matthew 11:8), and his strange and non-indulgent diet set him apart. Since John was a priest’s son, poverty was a chosen lifestyle rather than a lack of privilege. We imagine John smelling of honey and wild animals and looking pretty crusty. Would you have allowed him to get close enough to listen to him?
Reflection questions—
Who are the people that bring the message of Christ to you?
Do they look like you?
Will they challenge you to live differently and come closer to Christ?
As we practice the art of Advent waiting, allow God to bring prophets in your path that you might never seek on your own.