The With-God Life (an Advent Devotional)
“The notion that God is absent is the fundamental illusion
of the human condition.”
Thomas Keating
Welcome to the “with-God life”, an Advent devotional. Today’s portion will be a little longer so that you get the idea behind the “with-God life” readings. Advent is the time on the church calendar when we stay awake to Presence and also wait for the coming of Christ. Christ has come, is present now and will come again on that final day. Advent is a time when we sharpen our awareness of God’s presence and allow the longing and waiting for Christ to be. Each day we will offer ways to see the movement of God-with you… and friends, the awareness of God’s presence changes everything! These daily thoughts, practices and prayers will help us practice the presence of God and stay faithful in our waiting. It may be helpful to set aside time each day when you have 10 minutes or more to read and participate in the practices and prayers. The daily scripture readings are from the Upper Room (Bluebook) Lectionary. We will be reading scriptures with thousands upon thousands of other Christ followers during this Holy Season. Sundays always offers several Scripture readings, but don’t let that dissuade you. Always do what you can, not what you can’t. Even if you don’t typically use the Bluebook devotional, try using the suggested scriptures at the bottom of the blog entry when you are able. Every time spent opening ourselves to God’s words and presence, has the potential to transform the times of our lives.
God is with us, friend. We pray that you experience the power and beauty of that truth each and every day.
With-God and you,
Clare and Scott
Day One: The with-God life
Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. 1 Corinthians 1:7
Thought: Take a God-picture it will last longer
There have been times in our lives when we were unaware of God’s work in our life. Maybe today is a day that you are waiting for God and the waiting is hard. If we recognize how God has been faithful before it can help us with today. So let today be a day for pictures. Things will happen today that you can take a picture of in your mind (or on your phone). Things become clear if we take the time to see, meditate and consider where God is in all of our moments. as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.
Practice: Now, take a few moments to go back in the photo album of your mind… young childhood, teenage years, early adulthood etc. What images emerge? When you think about the images be they good or bad, were you aware that God was with you? If you were not aware of God-with you, try allowing the snapshot in your mind to be connected with Jesus loving presence. If the picture is a wonderful moment, allow God’s smile to join that moment… now let gratitude emerge. Is there a new insight with your gratitude? Now, consider Jesus being present in a painful picture… close your eyes… see Jesus there comforting you… how does the memory change? Journal or talk to a spiritual friend about what you are experiencing. Share a comment on the blog if you can.
Prayer: God of Love, allow me to see the pictures of my life with you in focus. When the pictures are full of celebration you are there. Thank you for those beautiful moments. In the moments of deepest despair, you are there, too. You have never left me to face anything alone. I choose to accept that you are always with me… loving me… revealing yourself to me… even now. Amen
Bluebook (Lectionary) Reading Year B: Isaiah 64:1-9, Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19, 1 Corinthians 1:3-9, Mark 13:24-37.