Public opinion


Today’s guest blogger:  Charles Theodorovich, Compassions Pastor


“There is no such thing as public opinion, there is only published opinion.”  Winston Churchill

“If the freedom of religion, guaranteed to us by law in theory, can ever rise in practice under the overbearing inquisition of public opinion, then and only then will truth prevail over fanaticism.”   Thomas Jefferson


Trying to balance all of the elements of ‘doing life’ can at times be overwhelming. How many times have we thought “where is the answer to all of this?”  Matt.11:18 ( From Midday Prayers below) tells us when John the Baptist came on the scene preparing the arrival of Jesus people thought he was demon “possessed”- a radical, outspoken and crude. When Jesus came people found fault with him being too social; friendly with sinners.

In our quest for peace, love and a sound mind how do we find it? Do we listen to the voices of public opinion to find balance in our lives or do we listen to that still small voice within us-God our creator drawing us to the truth, to Jesus Christ, to a new way of life giving us what we need to face the challenges of each day? Jesus said it this way, “Opinion polls don’t count for much, do they? The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” (Matt 11:19 Msg).

Give up– listening to public opinion, going along with the crowd, emotional contagion

Give in– to what your heart and spirit may be speaking to you.

Give out– as Jesus did, love, grace and mercy to others and see the results…”try the pudding!”


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